Publisher's API Reference

Rate Limiting


We use rate limiting to protect our server from too many requests within a given time frame that could put our databases at risk.

Rate limiting applies to all your requests, including requests from the UI, so exceeding the request limit will also temporarily block your UI.

We currently allow 600 API requests per minute for one publisher account.

We therefore measure the amount of requests sent to the API in order to throttle these when they surpass the amount allowed. In this case we will respond with the following error response:

HTTP Status Code message Description
429 Too Many Requests Too Many Requests You have exceeded the allowed number of requests per minute.

Example Error Response

  "message": "Too Many Requests"

Get All Time Revenue


Returns the value of all time revenue for your account.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
amount Numeric String

The value of all time revenue in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database connection error.

Example Response

  "amount": "460.00"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get a Profile Details Status


Returns the data that determine the ID verification status of your profile details.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action getProfileDetailsStatus Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
idVerified Integer

If the value is equal to 1 then your ID is verified, otherwise it’s not.

bypassVerification Boolean

Determines whether you are allowed to bypass profile verification.

Example Response

  "idVerified": 0,
  "bypassVerification": false

Get an Account Data


Returns the publisher’s account data (your account data).


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Numeric String

The ID of your account.

name String

Your name.

email String

Your email address.

adjustment_type_str String

The unique username of the account that is generated from your name.

nick String

The nickname.

nick_img String

The URL of the avatar image.

postbackURL String | null

The postback URL, that allows us to send traffic data to your tracking software.

push_subscription_postback_url String | null

The push subscription postback URL, that allows us to send information about new push subscriptions. This is informational only for tracking purposes (no revenue).

Allowed URL Parameter placeholders:

  • {subscriptionid} - The ID of the subscription.
  • {clickID} - The click ID from third party tracker or a managed CPA traffic source.
  • {tag} - The tracking tag for reporting.
monetizer Numeric String

The value that determines the monetizer’s account level (1 - Monetizer Standard, 0 - Monetizer Plus).

private Numeric String

The value 0 or 1 that determines whether the account is private or not. Note: This attribute is deprecated.

payment_net Numeric String

The value that determines the payment terms. See Payment Terms Explained

share Numeric String

Your revenue share percent for both offers and push campaigns.

allow_premium Numeric String

The value 0 or 1 that determines whether access to premium verticals is allowed or not.

can_target_offers Numeric String

Whether you can use offer parameter in inbound url to target offer with specified ID.

nid_assignments Array

The list of leagues IDs (traffic source IDs). Learn more about Leagues here.

nid_info Array

The array of Leagues objects (See below).

intercom_user_hash String

The hash of your Intercom user record.

walkytalky_user_hash String

The hash of your WalkyTalky user record.

address_1 String

Your personal Address (Line 1).

address_2 String

Your personal Address (Line 2).

address_city String

Your city.

address_zip String

Your zip code.

address_country String

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case of your country.

tel String

Your phone number.

logo_img String

This attribute was used to specify the avatar image, but currently it is deprecated.

payment_request_date Numeric String | null

The Unix timestamp (New York time zone) of the last payment request.

notification_top_offers Integer

Determines whether to send you an email with list of top offers every Monday and Thursday (1) or not (0).

notification_messages Integer

Determines whether to send you an email alert about new message from advertiser (1) or not (0).

notification_news Integer

Determines whether to send you emails of announcements and important information (1) or not (0).

payment_frequency String

The payment frequency. Possible values: weekly, monthly.

hide_ui_message Integer

This attribute makes sense only for Monetizer UI. It determines whether to hide UI message or not.

id_verified Integer

Determines whether your ID is verified (1) or not (0).

allow_usdt Integer

Determines whether USDT payment method is allowed (1) or not (0).

allow_messages Integer

Determines whether you allowed to send or obtain messages (1) or not (0).

allow_domains Integer

Determines whether you allowed to manage domains (1) or not (0).

io_required Integer

Determines whether you have to sign insertion order to be eligible for getting paid (1) or not (0).

docusign_io_id String | null

GUID of the signed insertion order.

unlock_payment_info Integer

Determines whether your locked payment details were unlocked for update (1) or not (0).

min_payout_limit Numeric string

This is the lowest value that you can set for minimum payout.

bypass_verification Numeric string

Determines whether you allowed to bypass ID verification (1) or not (0).

profileComplete Boolean

Determines whether your profile is complete or not.

League Object

Represents the League object (traffic source object), that you can use to track how effectively your Monetizer campaigns and traffic sources are performing.

Attribute Type Description
nid Numeric String

The ID of the League.

assignment_id Numeric String

The ID of assignment that assigns the League to your account.

partner_id Numeric String

THe ID of your account.

name String

The name of the League.

network String | null

This attribute is deprecated.

scraped Numeric String

This attribute is deprecated.

postback_url String | null

The postback URL of the league. It is used to send data to an external tracker whenever your league registers a new lead.

remote_account_id Numeric String | null

This attribute is deprecated.

timezone String | null

The name of the timezone of the network (e.g. Asia/Singapore). Note: This attribute is deprecated.

Example Response

  "id": "14144",
  "name": "Test Test 123",
  "email": "",
  "adjustment_type_str": "TestTest123",
  "nick": "Paul Wayne",
  "nick_img": "https:\/\/\/202-img\/default_avatars\/steam-avatar-profile-picture-0339.jpg",
  "postbackURL": null,
  "push_subscription_postback_url": null,
  "monetizer": "0",
  "private": "0",
  "payment_net": "14",
  "share": "80.00",
  "allow_premium": "0",
  "can_target_offers": "0",
  "nid_assignments": [
  "nid_info": [
      "nid": "24565",
      "assignment_id": "24562",
      "partner_id": "14144",
      "name": "Default",
      "network": null,
      "scraped": "0",
      "postback_url": null,
      "remote_account_id": null,
      "timezone": null
  "intercom_user_hash": "10b94192dfa468c7664c44ab79d2ed7afb8f57a17b7cbc3161b2983dcb76441a",
  "walkytalky_user_hash": "10b94192dfa468c7664c44ab79d2ed7afb8f57a17b7cbc3161b2983dcb76441a",
  "address_1": "Address 1",
  "address_2": "Address 2",
  "address_city": "",
  "address_zip": "67519",
  "address_country": "US",
  "tel": "9999999",
  "logo_img": "",
  "payment_request_date": null,
  "notification_top_offers": 0,
  "notification_messages": 0,
  "notification_news": 0,
  "payment_frequency": "weekly",
  "hide_ui_message": 1,
  "id_verified": 0,
  "allow_usdt": 1,
  "allow_messages": 1,
  "allow_domains": 1,
  "docusign_io_id": "2b415474-0dd5-4aad-9c87-641a7224becb",
  "io_required": 1,
  "unlock_payment_info": 0,
  "min_payout_limit": "150.00",
  "profileComplete": true

Referral Link


We have a referral program that earns you 2.5% of the revenue from publishers you refer.

Your referral link:, where PID is the ID of your account that is equal to the value of id attribute of “Get an Account Data” response.


Update an Account Details


Updates the publisher’s account details.

Please note that once your profile data has been verified, it will be locked for future changes. To unlock them, please contact support.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action changeDetails Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

name String Yes

Your name.

tel String Yes

Your phone number.

address_1 String Yes

Your personal Address (Line 1).

address_2 String No

Your personal Address (Line 2).

address_city String No

Your city.

address_zip String Yes

Your zip code.

address_country String Yes

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case of your country.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=changeDetails \
  --data 'name=Test Test 123' \
  --data tel=9999999 \
  --data 'address_1=Address 1' \
  --data 'address_2=Address 2' \
  --data address_city=Belpre \
  --data address_zip=67519 \
  --data address_country=US


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request name is required

The required name parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request tel is required

The required tel parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request address_1 is required

The required address_1 parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request address_zip is required

The required address_zip parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request address_country is required

The required address_country parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request Profile details already verified. Contact support to change.

We don’t allow to change profile details after they have been already verified and bypass verification is not enabled for publisher account. To check you profile status use “Get a Profile Details Status” action.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "name is required"

Update an Account Settings


Updates the publisher’s account settings.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action changeSettings No

Specifies the action to perform. (This is the default action for POST request).

nick String No

The nickname.

gpb String No

The postback URL, that allows us to send traffic data to your (3rd party) tracking software. Check your tracking software for details on how to correctly set up a postback URL.

Use URL macroses described below to insert the data from Monetizer into the correct parts of the postback URL.

Allowed URL Parameter placeholders (macroses):

  • {campainID} - The name of the campaign (link).
  • {keyword1} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword2} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword3} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword4} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword5} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {clickID} - The click ID from a third party tracker or a managed CPA traffic source.
  • {amount} - The revenue amount in USD.
  • {offer} - The hash of the offer.
  • {transactionID} - The ID of the transaction.
  • {advertiserID} - The ID of the advertiser.
spb String No

The postback URL for new push subscriptions. This is informational only for tracking purposes (no revenue).

Allowed URL Parameter placeholders (macroses):

  • {clickID} - The subscription click ID.
  • {tag} - The subscription tag.
  • {subscriptionid} - The subscription ID.
notification_top_offers Integer No

Determines whether to send you an email with list of top offers every Monday and Thursday (1) or not (0).

notification_messages Integer No

Determines whether to send you an email alert about new message from advertiser (1) or not (0).

notification_news Integer No

Determines whether to send you emails of announcements and important information (1) or not (0).

tos_accepted Integer No

Determines whether you accept the terms of service (1) or not (0).

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data 'nick=John Wayne' \
  --data 'gpb={clickID}&pt={amount}' \
  --data 'spb=https://tracksubs.test/postback?cid={clickID}&sid={subscriptionid}' \
  --data notification_top_offers=0 \
  --data notification_messages=0 \
  --data notification_news=0 \
  --data action=changeSettings


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid Request

Request has no valid parameters values that may be stored.

400 Bad Request Unsupported macro in global postback URL

You have unsupported macro in gpb request parameter.

400 Bad Request Unsupported macro in push subscription postback

You have unsupported macro in spb request parameter.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid Request"

Bulk Delete Advertiser Subscriptions


Deletes multiple advertiser subscriptions with a single request.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action bulkDelete Yes

Determines the action to perform.

ids String Yes

The JSON encoded array of IDs of subscriptions that should be deleted.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=bulkDelete \
  --data 'ids=[16,17,18]'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation.

deleted Integer

The number of subscriptions that have been deleted.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request ids is required

The ids parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request ids parameter is invalid

The ids parameter is not JSON encoded array of IDs.

400 Bad Request No PartnerAdvertiserEventSubscription found with id ...

No advertiser subscription were found with specified ID.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "status": "ok",
  "deleted": 3

Example Error Response

  "message": "ids parameter is invalid"

Bulk Update Advertiser Subscriptions


Pauses or resumes multiple advertiser subscriptions with a single request.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action bulkUpdate Yes

Determines the action to perform.

ids String Yes

The JSON encoded array of IDs of subscriptions that should be paused or resumed.

subscribed Integer Yes

Determines whether specified advertiser subscriptions should be resumed (1) or paused (0).

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=bulkUpdate \
  --data 'ids=[16,17,18]' \
  --data subscribed=0


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation.

updated Integer

The number of subscriptions that have been updated.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request ids is required

The ids parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request ids parameter is invalid

The ids parameter is not JSON encoded array of IDs.

400 Bad Request subscribed param is not provided

The required subscribed parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request No PartnerAdvertiserEventSubscription found with id ...

No advertiser subscription were found with specified ID.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "status": "ok",
  "updated": 3

Example Error Response

  "message": "ids parameter is invalid"

Create an Advertiser Subscription


Creates new advertiser subscription, that allows the calling publisher to subscribe to events of the specified advertiser.

Currently advertiser subscription support only New Offer event that is triggered when an advertiser creates a new offer.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
networkId Integer Yes

The advertiser ID.

subscribed Integer No

Determines whether created advertiser subscription should be active (1) or not (0). Default value is 1.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data networkId=12838 \
  --data subscribed=1


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the created advertiser subscription.

partnerId Integer

The ID of the publisher (your ID).

networkId Integer

The advertiser ID.

subscribed Boolean

Determines whether subscription is active (publisher subscribed) or not (publisher unsubscribed).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request networkId is required

The networkId parameter is required.

400 Bad Request No Advertiser found with id ...

No advertiser were found with ID specified by networkId body parameter.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "id": 13,
  "partnerId": 14144,
  "networkId": 12838,
  "subscribed": true

Example Error Response

  "message": "networkId is required"

Delete an Advertiser Subscription


Deletes the specified advertiser subscription.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
id Integer Yes

The ID of one of your advertiser subscriptions. You can found the subscription IDs from Get Advertiser Subscriptions response.

Example Request

curl --request DELETE \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request id is required

The required id parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request No PartnerAdvertiserEventSubscription found with id ...

No advertiser subscription were found with ID specified by id body parameter.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "id is required"

Get Advertiser Subscriptions


Returns the list of all advertiser subscriptions for the calling publisher.

Advertiser subscription is a subscription to events triggered by some advertiser actions. Currently advertiser subscription include only subscription to New Offer event that is triggered when an advertiser creates a new offer. So the publisher subscribed to the advertiser events will receive email notification when this advertiser will create a new offer.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns array of advertiser subscription objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the advertiser subscription.

partnerId Integer

The ID of the publisher (your ID).

networkId Integer

The ID of the advertiser.

subscribed Boolean

Determines whether subscription is active (publisher subscribed) or not (publisher unsubscribed).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "id": 1,
    "partnerId": 14144,
    "networkId": 12542,
    "subscribed": true
    "id": 5,
    "partnerId": 14144,
    "networkId": 12541,
    "subscribed": true

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: 2a552b1c"

Update an Advertiser Subscription


Subscribes to and unsubscribes from advertiser events by updating status of already existing advertiser event subscription.

In other words this action resumes/pauses the specified advertiser subscription.

If you do not have an existing subscription, you can create it as described here.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
id Integer Yes

The ID of one of your advertiser subscriptions. You can found the subscription IDs from Get Advertiser Subscriptions response.

subscribed Integer Yes

Set this parameter to the value 1 if you want to resume the subscription and to the value 0 if you want to pause the subscription.

Example Request

curl --request PUT \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data id=12 \
  --data subscribed=0


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the updated advertiser subscription.

partnerId Integer

The ID of the publisher (your ID).

networkId Integer

The advertiser ID.

subscribed Boolean

Determines whether subscription is active (publisher subscribed) or not (publisher unsubscribed).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Params are not provided

The required id and subscribed parameters are not provided.

400 Bad Request No PartnerAdvertiserEventSubscription found with id ...

No advertiser subscription were found with ID specified by id body parameter.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "id": 12,
  "partnerId": 14144,
  "networkId": 12837,
  "subscribed": false

Example Error Response

  "message": "Params are not provided"

Access Token Authentication


To access the Publisher’s API, you’ll need an access token. You can get the access token at the bottom of your Publisher’s profile page.

How to use the token

Once you have a token, simply provide it as an X_AFFLOW_API_TOKEN header in your requests, as shown in the example.

Example Request

    curl --request GET \
      --url '' \
      --header 'accept: application/json' \
      --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'

Error Response

If you don’t provide an access token or provide invalid token you obtain the following response:

HTTP Status Code message
403 Forbidden Forbidden

Example Error Response

  "message": "Forbidden"

Get Payment Details


Returns the publisher’s payment details (bank details).


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
not_approved Object | false

The payment details that were submitted but not approved. See Banking Details Object below.

actual Object | false

The actual banking details.

Banking Details Object

The object that contains the banking details.

Attribute Type Description
partner_id Integer

The ID of the publisher. (Your account ID)

min_payout Numeric String

The amount of minimum payout in USD.

account_name String

The name of account (beneficiary).

account_address1 String

The account address (line 1)

account_address2 String | null

The account address (line 2)

account_city String

The account city.

account_zip String | null

The account ZIP code.

account_country String

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case of your country.

bank_name String

The bank name.

In case of PayPal, Paxum payment methods this attribute is equal to the email address you use to login to PayPal or Paxum payment providers.

In case of USDT payment method this attribute is equal to the address of your ethereum or tron wallet.

bank_street String

The bank street.

bank_city String

The bank city.

bank_zip String

The bank ZIP code (postcode).

bank_country String

The bank country represented as ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

iban String

The IBAN (Account number).

swift String

The BIC/SWIFT code.

vat_no String | null

The VAT number (Europe only).

paypal_seller_id String | null

The Paypal Seller ID (only for paypal payment method). (Deprecated)

paypal_merchant_id String | null

The Paypal Merchant ID (only for paypal payment method). (Deprecated)

payment_email String

The payment advice email.

payment_hold Integer

Whether payments should be put on hold (1) or not (0).

method Integer

The payment method.

Possible values: 0 - Wire Transfer, 1 - PayPal, 2 - Paxum, 5 - USDT (ERC-20), 6 - USDT (TRC-20).

status String

The status of the payment details. (This attribute is set only for not approved banking details)

Possible values:

  • approved - the payment details have been approved and will be used for payments.
  • pending - the payment details are pending for approval.
  • rejected - the payment details have been rejected by an admin with reason provided in rejection_reason attribute.
rejection_reason String | null

If payment details have been rejected by an admin, this attribute explains why. (This attribute is set only for not approved payment details)

wallet_provider String | null

The wallet provider for crypto payment methods. This attribute is deprecated.

jumio_id_verification String | null

The Jumio transaction reference of ID verification.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred.

Example Response

  "not_approved": {
    "id": 181,
    "partner_id": 14144,
    "min_payout": "2220.00",
    "account_name": "Johny Defoe",
    "account_address1": "8737 Wellington Dr. Bronx",
    "account_address2": null,
    "account_city": "New York",
    "account_zip": "10454",
    "account_country": "US",
    "bank_name": "JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.",
    "bank_street": "270 PARK AVENUE",
    "bank_city": "New York",
    "bank_zip": "10018",
    "bank_country": "US",
    "iban": "US99 4567 8900 3456 7890",
    "swift": "CHASUSU3XXX",
    "vat_no": "123549",
    "paypal_seller_id": null,
    "paypal_merchant_id": null,
    "payment_email": "paymenttest4@test.test",
    "payment_hold": 1,
    "method": 0,
    "status": "pending",
    "ts": "2021-07-06 11:08:10",
    "rejection_reason": null,
    "ip": "",
    "wallet_provider": null,
    "jumio_id_verification": null
  "actual": {
    "info_id": 11937,
    "partner_id": 14144,
    "min_payout": "2300.00",
    "account_name": "John Smith",
    "account_address1": "8737 Wellington Dr. Bronx",
    "account_address2": null,
    "account_city": "New York",
    "account_zip": "10455",
    "account_country": "US",
    "bank_name": "JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.",
    "bank_street": "270 PARK AVENUE",
    "bank_city": "New York",
    "bank_zip": "10018",
    "bank_country": "US",
    "iban": "US99 4567 8900 3456 7891",
    "swift": "CHASUSU3XXX",
    "vat_no": "123549",
    "paypal_seller_id": null,
    "paypal_merchant_id": null,
    "payment_email": "paymenttest4@test.test",
    "payment_hold": 0,
    "updated": 1,
    "method": 0,
    "wallet_provider": null,
    "document_verified": 0,
    "paypal_verified": 0,
    "jumio_id_verification": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: c78ed64b"

Get The List of Carriers


Returns the list of supported carriers (connection providers) for specified countries.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
geo_arr String Yes

Specifies the list of countries for which you want to get the list of carriers (connection providers). The value of the parameter should be an array of ISO3166 alpha-2 country codes in upper case encoded as JSON string.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

carrier String

The string that identifies carrier (connection provider).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing Param

The geo_arr parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Bad Param

The geo_arr parameter is invalid.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No database connection.

500 Internal Server Error Bad Query

The database query error.

Example Response

    "geo": "EG",
    "carrier": "EG ETISALAT"
    "geo": "EG",
    "carrier": "EG MOBINIL"
    "geo": "EG",
    "carrier": "EG VODAFONE"
    "geo": "EG",
    "carrier": "EG WiFi"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Bad Param"

Get The List of Cities


Returns the list of cities for specified countries.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
geo_arr String Yes

Specifies the list of countries for which you want to get the list of cities. The value of the parameter should be an array of ISO3166 alpha-2 country codes in upper case encoded as JSON string.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

city String

The city name.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing Param

The geo_arr parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Bad Param

The geo_arr parameter is invalid.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No database connection.

500 Internal Server Error Bad Query

The database query error.

Example Response

    "geo": "FR",
    "city": "'S-GRAVELAND"
    "geo": "FR",
    "city": "'S-GRAVENDEEL"
    "geo": "FR",
    "city": "'S-GRAVENPOLDER"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Missing Param"

Add a Domain


Adds a domain name and sub domain to your account.

You'll need to add a at least one domain name and sub domain to your account to run campaigns on Monetizer.
Please avoid domain names including the word “monetizer”, we automatically reject these domains.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action add Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

domain String Yes

The domain name that is a subdomain of your domain.

Important: Domain name must not contain https:// or www

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=add \


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
success Boolean

The status of the operation. Should be equal to true.

domain String

The domain name that has been added to your account.

ip String

The IP address that have to be assigned to your domain. You must update your domain’s DNS settings with your domain registrar to point to this IP address.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Domain should contain a subdomain

The value of domain request parameter should contain subdomain.

400 Bad Request Subdomain "www" is not allowed

The value of domain request parameter should not contain www subdomain.

400 Bad Request Domain is not valid

The value of domain request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Domain contains banned word: xxx

The value of domain request parameter contains a banned word.

400 Bad Request Domain names including the word “monetizer” are not allowed

The value of domain request parameter contains a word “monetizer” that we do not allow to use.

409 Conflict Domain already exists

The domain name that you want to add already exists.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No database connection.

Example Response

  "success": true,
  "domain": "",
  "ip": ""

Example Error Response

  "message": "Domain already exists"

Delete a Domain


Deletes the specified domain.

This operation can't be undone. Make sure you have no active links using the domain you want to delete.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action del Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

domain String Yes

The domain name that you want to delete.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=del \


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
success Boolean

The status of the operation. Should be equal to true.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Domain should contain a subdomain

The value of domain request parameter should contain subdomain.

400 Bad Request Subdomain "www" is not allowed

The value of domain request parameter should not contain www subdomain.

400 Bad Request Domain is not valid

The value of domain request parameter is not valid.

404 Not Found Domain does not exist

The domain name that you want to delete does not exist.

500 Internal Server Error delDomain: DB ERROR

Some unexpected database error occurred during deletion of the domain.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No database connection.

Example Response

  "success": true

Example Error Response

  "message": "Domain does not exist"

Get Domains


Returns the list of domains that are assigned to your account.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action list Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
success Boolean

The status of the operation. Should be equal to true.

domains Array

The array of domain objects (see below).

Domain Object

The domain object has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
domain String

The domain name.

ip String

The IP address that is assigned to the domain. (The domain should point to this IP address)

flagged Numeric String

The number 0 or 1 that determines whether the domain is flagged or not. Flagged domain can’t be used to run campaigns.

ssl_enabled Numeric String

The number 0 or 1 that determines whether the SSL is enabled for the domain or not. SSL will be enabled automatically within 24 hours after adding the domain.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error listDomains: DB ERROR

Some unexpected error occurred during fetching the domain list.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No database connection.

Example Response

  "success": true,
  "domains": [
      "domain": "",
      "ip": "",
      "flagged": "0",
      "ssl_enabled": "1"
      "domain": "",
      "ip": "",
      "flagged": "0",
      "ssl_enabled": "0"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Change Link


Changes the smartlink that will serve the traffic from specified parked domains.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action changeLink Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

domains String Yes

The JSON encoded array of domains for which you want to assign specified link.

link String Yes

The hash value of the link (smartlink) that will serve all the traffic from specified parked domains. You may determine the hash value of the link from response of Get a Link or Get Links actions.

We highly recommend creating a separate link for parked domains. See how to create a link here.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=changeLink \
  --data 'domains=["",""]' \
  --data link=07f3b59d120ea7c1c349a6782951316b63e3ab29


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
success Boolean

Whether action was successful or not.

updated Integer

The number of parked domains updated.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Not supported request method

You should use POST request method to change link for your domains.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The provided action parameter is not supported.

400 Bad Request Target link is required

The link parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Invalid link hash provided

The provided link parameter values has invalid format.

400 Bad Request Specified link not found

The link with hash that is equal to link parameter value is not found among your links.

400 Bad Request Domains are required

The domains parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Domains are not provided

The domains parameter has invalid value that doesn’t contain an array of domains.

Example Response

  "success": true,
  "updated": 2

Example Error Response

  "message": "Domains are required"

Delete Parked Domains


Deletes specified parked domains from your account.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action delete Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

domains String Yes

The JSON encoded array of domains that you want to delete.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=delete \
  --data 'domains=["",""]'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
success Boolean

Whether action was successful or not.

deleted Integer

The number of deleted parked domains.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Not supported request method

You should use POST request method to change link for your domains.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The provided action parameter is not supported.

400 Bad Request Domains are required

The domains parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Domains are not provided

The domains parameter has invalid value that doesn’t contain an array of domains.

Example Response

  "success": true,
  "deleted": 2

Example Error Response

  "message": "Domains are required"

Get Parked Domains


Returns the paginated list of parked domains that belong to your account.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
page Integer No

The page number. Default value is equal to 1 (first page).

perPage Integer No

The number of domains per page. The value should be >= 1 and <= 1000. Default value is equal to 25.

domain String No

Allow to filter domains by domain name.

linkHash String No

The hash of the link assigned to domain. Allows to filter domains by link hash.

status String No

The domain status. Valid values: active, pending, validated, deactivated.

orderBy String No

Specifies the field to order domains by. Valid values: domain, created_ts.

Default value: domain.

orderDirection String No

The direction to order domains. Valid values: asc, desc.

Default value: asc.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
domains Array

Array of Parked Domain objects. See description below.

nameservers Array

This attribute should be ignored.

Parked Domain Object

The object that contains the parked domain details.

Attribute Type Description
domain String

The domain name.

partner_id Integer

The ID of you account.

link_hash String

The hash of the link that is assigned to serve traffic from parked domain.

link_name String

The name of the link that is assigned to serve traffic from parked domain.

ip String | null

The IP address assigned to the domain.

status String

The status of the domain.

Possible values:

  • pending - Waiting for required NS DNS records.
  • validated - The required NS DNS records are set and validated.
  • active - The domain is activated and IP address is assigned.
  • deactivated - The domain was deactivated for some reason.
ssl_enabled Integer

Whether SSL are enabled (1) or not (0).

created_ts String

The time when the domain was added. (New York time zone)

name_servers String

The array of nameservers that should be assigned to the domain at the registrar in order to park it on Monetizer.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "domains": [
      "domain": "",
      "partner_id": 14145,
      "link_hash": "cb577cf3216bf5bd75c882c3102135634a1d6e7c",
      "link_name": "Test link 1",
      "ip": null,
      "status": "pending",
      "ssl_enabled": 0,
      "created_ts": "2021-08-04 21:20:22",
      "name_servers": "[\"\",\"\"]"
  "nameservers": [

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: c578a64b"

Park Domain


Adds domain for parking.

All traffic from parked domain and its direct subdomains will be redirected to the smartlink that you assign to the specified domain.

Please ensure you are providing the root (registrable) domain and not any subdomains (e.g., or, not or


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action addDomain Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

domain String Yes

The domain that you want to park.

link String Yes

The hash value of the link (smartlink) that will serve all the traffic from this parked domain. You may determine the hash value of the link from response of Get a Link or Get Links actions.

We highly recommend creating a separate link for parked domains. See how to create a link here.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=addDomain \
  --data '' \
  --data link=1439106d8ae19244613fd90206e3516e91ecdbd5


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. It should be equal to success.

nameservers Array

The array of nameservers that should be assigned to the domain at the registrar in order to park it on Monetizer.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Not supported request method

You should use POST request method to park your domains.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The provided action parameter is not supported.

400 Bad Request Target link is required

The link parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Invalid link hash provided

The provided link parameter values has invalid format.

400 Bad Request Specified link not found

The link with hash that is equal to link parameter value is not found among your links.

400 Bad Request Domain is required

The domain parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Domain [[domain name]] is parent of already registered subdomain

We don’t allow to park domains that are parents of already registered subdomains.

400 Bad Request Invalid domain: [[domain name]]

At least one of provided domain names has invalid format or is not a registrable domain.

400 Bad Request Domain [[domain name]] is already registered.

At least one of provided domain names has been already parked in our system.

400 Bad Request Nameserver returned error response. Please contact support.

The nameserver returned error response. You may contact support chat for more details.

Example Response

  "status": "success",
  "nameservers": [

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid domain:"

Get All Unpaid Earnings


Returns all unpaid amounts of the publisher’s earnings.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
unpaid true Yes

Specifies to return all unpaid earnings.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

amount Numeric String

The amount of your unpaid earnings on the specified date in USD.

type String

If type begins with __REFERRAL__ its referral earnings, otherwise it is affiliate earnings.

payment_net Numeric String

The value that determines the payment terms. See Payment Terms Explained.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database connection error.

Example Response

    "date": "2020-11-10",
    "amount": "70.00",
    "type": "TestTest123",
    "payment_net": "14"
    "date": "2020-11-09",
    "amount": "20.00",
    "type": "TestTest123",
    "payment_net": "14"
    "date": "2020-11-08",
    "amount": "20.00",
    "type": "TestTest123",
    "payment_net": "14"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get Earnings


Returns publisher earnings for each date from the specified time interval.

Use time intervals that no exceed 31 days or you do not obtain all requested data.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
start_date String No

The start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Default value: the start of the current month

end_date String No

The end date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Default value: the current date.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

amount Numeric String

The amount of your affiliate earnings on the specified date in USD.

paid Numeric String

Whether specified affiliate earnings has been paid. (1 - paid, 0 - not paid).

referral_amount Numeric String

The amount of your referral earnings on the specified date in USD.

referral_paid Numeric String

Whether specified referral earnings has been paid. (1 - paid, 0 - not paid).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database connection error.

Example Response

    "date": "2020-10-25",
    "amount": "3551.02",
    "paid": "1",
    "referral_amount": "0.00",
    "referral_paid": "0"
    "date": "2020-10-24",
    "amount": "3557.11",
    "paid": "1",
    "referral_amount": "0.00",
    "referral_paid": "0"
    "date": "2020-10-23",
    "amount": "3333.39",
    "paid": "1",
    "referral_amount": "0.00",
    "referral_paid": "0"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get Payment History


Returns a list of all payments that were paid to the publisher.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns the list of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Numeric String

The ID of the payment.

partner_id Numeric String

The ID of your account.

adjustment_type_string String

The unique username of the account that is generated from your name.

amount Numeric String

The paid amount in US dollars.

details String

The payment description.

ts Numeric String

The Unix timestamp of the payment.

method Numeric String

The payment method.

Possible values: 0 - Wire Transfer, 1 - PayPal, 2 - Paxum, 5 - USDT (ERC-20).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error

Some unexpected error occured.

Example Response

    "id": "24258",
    "partner_id": "14144",
    "adjustment_type_string": "TestTest123",
    "amount": "1367.38",
    "details": "Affiliate commission for 2020-10-19 - 2020-11-01 ($10.00 transfer fee applied)",
    "ts": "1604663133",
    "method": "0"
    "id": "24257",
    "partner_id": "14144",
    "adjustment_type_string": "TestTest123",
    "amount": "2250.91",
    "details": "Affiliate commission for 2020-09-28 - 2020-10-18",
    "ts": "1603447136",
    "method": "0"
    "id": "24256",
    "partner_id": "14144",
    "adjustment_type_string": "TestTest123",
    "amount": "1389.91",
    "details": "Affiliate commission for 2020-08-24 - 2020-09-27 ($10.00 transfer fee applied)",
    "ts": "1601637021",
    "method": "0"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error"

Get Pending Earnings


Returns pending revenue, for the specified time interval.

Pending revenue is the revenue that is currently being verified before being added to your earnings.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
start_date String Yes

The start date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

end_date String Yes

The end date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
amount Numeric String

The earnings amount in USD.

date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request start_date is required

The required query parameter start_date is not provided.

400 Bad Request end_date is required

The required query parameter end_date is not provided.

400 Bad Request start_date is invalid

The query parameter start_date does not match the format YYYY-MM-DD.

400 Bad Request end_date is invalid

The query parameter end_date does not match the format YYYY-MM-DD.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database connection error.

Example Response

    "amount": "0.052616000000000",
    "date": "2020-11-03"
    "amount": "0.192157528000000",
    "date": "2020-11-04"
    "amount": "0.199510376000000",
    "date": "2020-11-05"
    "amount": "0.189510552000000",
    "date": "2020-11-06"
    "amount": "0.197585112000000",
    "date": "2020-11-07"

Example Error Response

  "message": "start_date is required"

Get Referral Earnings


Returns the referral earnings for the last 7 days as well as the total referral earnings.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
current Array

Array of “Referral Earning” objects for the last 7 days (see below).

overall Array

Array of all “Total Referral Earning” objects (see below).

Referral Earning

Provides referral earnings from a certain publisher on a certain date.

Attribute Type Description
name String

The name of the referral publisher.

date String

The date of the income.

amount Numeric String

The amount of income in USD.

Total Referral Earnings

Provides total referral earnings from each referral.

Attribute Type Description
name String

The name of the referral publisher.

amount Numeric String

The total amount of income from this referral.

Example Response

  "current": [
      "name": "test4",
      "date": "2020-11-03",
      "amount": "4.6600"
      "name": "test4",
      "date": "2020-11-04",
      "amount": "6.7200"
      "name": "test4",
      "date": "2020-11-05",
      "amount": "7.8900"
      "name": "test4",
      "date": "2020-11-06",
      "amount": "8.1400"
  "overall": [
      "name": "test4",
      "amount": "40.6300"
      "name": "test5",
      "amount": "58.8900"

Request a Payment


Creates a payment request.

If you requested a payment and your cleared earnings exceed the minimum threshold, we will process your transfer on the next payment day.

Note that you must request payment only if cleared unpaid revenue less than $250.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. (Should be equal to success)


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Payment details are not found

Your payment details are not found. You have to add payment details first.

400 Bad Request Your payments are set on hold

Your payments are set on hold. You should set payment_hold to 0 in your payment details.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No database connection.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Your payment threshold not met"

Export Leads


Returns a report of your generated leads as a CSV file for specified time range.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
start_ts Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the start of the time range.

end_ts Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the end of the time range.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns a csv file where each line represents a lead record with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Time String

The time when lead was recorded.

TID String

The transaction ID.

CID String

The click ID.

Payout Float

Payment amount in US dollars.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
403 Forbidden Access Denied

You have no corresponding access level to fetch this data.

400 Bad Request start_ts invalid or missing

The start_ts request query parameter is invalid or missing.

400 Bad Request end_ts invalid or missing

The end_ts request query parameter is invalid or missing.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

Database connection error.

Example Response


Example Error Response

  "message": "start_ts invalid or missing"

Get Last Leads


Returns the list of the most recent leads for the last 24 hours.

Leads are ordered by lead ID in descending order.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
owner Integer No

Set this parameter to 1 if you want to receive only leads for your account.

limit Integer No

The maximum number of leads to return. Default is 5. Allowed maximum value is 1000.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
lead_id Numeric String

The lead ID.

amount Numeric String

The amount in USD.

country_code String

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

vertical String

The name of the vertical.

lead_time Numeric String

The Unix timestamp of the time when lead was registered.

nid Numeric String

The ID of the league.

This attribute is present only if owner query parameter is set.

rcid String

The name of the campaign, that equals to the value of the options_data.rcid parameter in “Create Link” action.

This attribute is present only if owner query parameter is set.

offer_id String

The ID of the offer. (If value equal to the special value of PushRevShare, then it is not a standard lead but a special push revenue lead).

os_name String

The name of the operating system.

browser String

The name of the browser.

is_omega Numeric String

This attribute is deprecated.

is_vauto Numeric String

Whether vauto mode was enabled (1) or not (0).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

Database connection error.

Example Response

    "lead_id": "435800131",
    "amount": "0.1600",
    "country_code": "CM",
    "vertical": "mainstream",
    "lead_time": "1607368813",
    "offer_id": "82d080",
    "os_name": "Android",
    "browser": "Chrome Mobile",
    "is_omega": "0",
    "is_vauto": "1"
    "lead_id": "435800130",
    "amount": "0.0120",
    "country_code": "BR",
    "vertical": "mainstream",
    "lead_time": "1607368813",
    "offer_id": "f705cc",
    "os_name": "Android",
    "browser": "Samsung Browser",
    "is_omega": "0",
    "is_vauto": "1"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Create a League


Creates a new league (traffic source). Learn more about leagues here.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
name String Yes

The name of the league.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data name=Test


Returns created league object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
nid Numeric String

The ID of the League.

assignment_id Numeric String

The ID of assignment that assigns the League to your account.

partner_id Numeric String

THe ID of your account.

name String

The name of the League.

network String | null

This attribute is deprecated.

scraped Numeric String

This attribute is deprecated.

postback_url String | null

The postback URL of the league. It is used to send data to an external tracker whenever your league registers a new lead.

remote_account_id Numeric String | null

This attribute is deprecated.

timezone String | null

The name of the timezone of the network (e.g. Asia/Singapore). Note: This attribute is deprecated.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request name param is required

The name parameter is required.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database connection error.

Example Response

  "nid": "24566",
  "assignment_id": "24563",
  "partner_id": "14144",
  "name": "Test",
  "network": null,
  "scraped": "0",
  "postback_url": null,
  "remote_account_id": null,
  "timezone": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "name param is required"

Update a League


Updates specified league (traffic source). Learn more about leagues here.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
nid Integer Yes

The ID of the league.

postback_url String No

The postback URL of the league. It is used to send data to an external tracker whenever your league registers a new lead.

You may use the following URL macroses to insert the data from Monetizer into the correct parts of the postback URL:

  • {campaignID} - The name of the campaign (link).
  • {keyword1} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword2} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword3} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword4} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {keyword5} - The macros from your traffic source for reporting.
  • {clickID} - The click ID from a third party tracker or a managed CPA traffic source.
  • {amount} - The revenue amount in USD.
  • {offer} - The hash of the offer.
  • {transactionID} - The ID of the transaction.
  • {advertiserID} - The ID of the advertiser.
name String No

The name of the league.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data nid=24566 \
  --data 'name=Test 2' \
  --data postback_url=


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
update String

The value of this attribute should be equal to success on successful update.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Bad URL

The postback_url parameter is not valid URL.

400 Bad Request Nothing to do.

No update data provided.

403 Forbidden Access Denied

You tried to update the league that does not belong to you.

500 Internal Server Error Database Error

The database error occured.

Example Response

  "update": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Access Denied"

Create a Link


Creates a new link (campaign).

After the link (campaign) will be created you can use the Get a Link Promotion Method to obtain the direct link URL or javascript code to promote the created link.
You must setup a domain before you can start sending traffic. See how Add a Domain.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
vertical String Yes

The name of the vertical, which defines the type of landing pages and offers your link will be directed to. See how to obtain the list of supported verticals here. We recommend to use special value vauto to take advantage of as many offers as you can and let us do the optimization based on hundreds of millions of visitors of sample size a day.

Important: The aggressive and aggressive_desktop verticals are no more supported for new links.

Important: If you create a link for private offer, then you have to set this parameter to the value direct_offers.

allowed_verticals_data String No

The JSON encoded array of allowed verticals. See how to obtain the list of supported verticals here.

Important: This parameter has sense only if vertical is set to vauto.

Default is null.

adult Integer No

The traffic type. The value 0 means - mainstream and 1 - adult.

Default is 0.

allow_aggressive Integer No

Whether to allow and include aggressive landing pages (1) or not (0). Set this parameter to 1 for private offer link.

Default is 0.

name String Yes

The name of the link, that allows you easily identify it throughout Monetizer.

nid Integer Yes

The ID of your league, that will be used to record your campaigns data. See how to create a new league here and how to obtain the list of your leagues here.

disable_popunder Integer Yes

Whether to disable popunder link (1) or not (0).

disable_bbr Integer Yes

Whether to disable back button redirect (1) or not (0).

postback_threshold Float No

The postback threshold. All leads below this amount wouldn’t be posted back.

options_data String Yes

The JSON encoded options data object, that has the following attributes:

  • rcid - The campaign name, that will appear in your league and is used to obtain campaign performance reports. The campaign name can only contain letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores.
  • kw1 - The keyword1 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw2 - The keyword2 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw3 - The keyword3 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw4 - The keyword4 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw5 - The keyword5 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • s4 - The click ID/Subid. The click ID macro of third party tracker or a managed CPA traffic source, if you have one. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • entry_popup - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • exit_popup - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • vibrate - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • sound - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • redirect_time - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
offer_whitelist_data String No

The JSON encoded array that contains the IDs of the targeted private offers. The offer ID can be obtained from offerIdDep attribute of Get Top Offers, Get Top Offers for Geo or Get Offers action responses.

Important: You may specify up to 4 offerIds of private offers created for you.

desktop_redirect Integer No

Whether desktop redirect is enabled (1) or not (0).

Default is 1.

hard_offer_whitelist Integer No

Whether to use hard offer whitelist without activating of smartlink fallback (1) or not (0). If smartlink fallback is activated, then traffic will be sent to the next best offer when targeted offers become unavailable.

Default is 0.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data vertical=vauto \
  --data 'allowed_verticals_data=["mainstream","mainstream_desktop"]' \
  --data allow_aggressive=0 \
  --data 'name=Test link 1' \
  --data nid=24566 \
  --data disable_popunder=1 \
  --data disable_bbr=0 \
  --data 'options_data={"entry_popup":0,"exit_popup":0,"vibrate":0,"sound":0,"redirect_time":0,"rcid":"my3g","kw1":"{t1}","kw2":"","kw3":"","kw4":"","kw5":"","s4":"{clickid}"}' \
  --data desktop_redirect=1 \
  --data postback_threshold=10.00 \
  --data hard_offer_whitelist=0


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Numeric String

The ID of the created link.

hash String

The hash value of the created link.

bbr_hash String | null

The hash value of back button redirect link.

popunder_hash String | null

The hash value of popunder link.

nid Numeric String

The league’s ID of the link.

vertical String

The vertical of the link.

cloak String

Whether cloaking is on.

created_ts Numeric String

The Unix timestamp of the creation time of the link.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Parameter '[parameter name]' is required

The required parameter with name [parameter name] is not provided.

400 Bad Request Value of '[parameter name]' parameter is invalid

The parameter with name [parameter name] has not valid value.

400 Bad Request Aggressive verticals are no more supported for new links

The vertical parameter value equal to one of the aggressive verticals that are not supported anymore.

409 Conflict Link name already exists. Please choose different name

You already have link (campaign) with specified name.

400 Bad Request Value of '[parameter name]' is not a valid JSON

The provided value of [parameter name] request parameter is not a valid JSON string.

400 Bad Request JSON value of '[parameter name]' is not an object

The value of [parameter name] request parameter must be JSON encoded object.

400 Bad Request JSON value of '[parameter name]' is not an array

The value of [parameter name] request parameter must be JSON encoded array.

400 Bad Request Invalid boolean value for `[parameter name]` supplied

The value of [parameter name] should be equal to 1 or 0.

400 Bad Request Invalid numeric value for `[parameter name]` supplied

The value of parameter [parameter name] must be numeric.

400 Bad Request Negative value for `[parameter name]` supplied

The value of parameter [parameter name] must be positive.

400 Bad Request Wrong permissions

In the nid parameter, you specified the ID of a league that does not belong to you.

400 Bad Request Campaign name is required.

The campaign name (options_data.rcid) parameter is required.

400 Bad Request Campaign name can only contain letters, numbers and underscores.

The campaign name (options_data.rcid) parameter contains invalid characters.

Example Response

  "id": "199362",
  "hash": "cb577cf3216bf5bd75c882c3102135634a1d6e7c",
  "bbr_hash": "cb577cf3216bf5bd75c882c3102135634a1d6e7c",
  "popunder_hash": "cb577cf3216bf5bd75c882c3102135634a1d6e7c",
  "nid": "24566",
  "vertical": "vauto",
  "cloak": "1",
  "created_ts": "1605554724"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Parameter 'nid' is required"

Get Links


Returns a list of links that match the specified conditions.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
page Integer No

The page number. Default is 1 (first page).

search String No

The string that is used to search links (campaigns) by name, hash or vertical.

filtered Integer No

Whether to include filtered links into the response (1) or not (0).

Default is 0.

bbr Integer No

Whether to include bounce links (back button links) into the response (1) or not (0).

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of Link objects.

Example Response

    "hash": "ccf17cc5473dcce603c3f3a72b48a8e882d3be75",
    "nid": "24566",
    "vertical": "vauto",
    "allowed_verticals_data": "[\"mainstream\",\"mainstream_desktop\"]",
    "name": "Test link 4",
    "options_data": "{\"entry_popup\":0,\"exit_popup\":0,\"vibrate\":0,\"sound\":0,\"redirect_time\":0,\"url\":\"\",\"rcid\":\"my3g\",\"kw1\":\"{t1}\",\"kw2\":\"\",\"kw3\":\"\",\"kw4\":\"\",\"kw5\":\"\",\"s4\":\"{clickid}\",\"offer_geo_arr\":[\"US\"]}",
    "bbr_hash": "e36a3527fa48080595b2de67581f80e7651d7962",
    "bbr_rcid": "{rcid}",
    "popunder_hash": null,
    "popunder_rcid": null,
    "is_filtered": "0",
    "created_ts": "1605811209",
    "adult": "0",
    "allow_adult": "0",
    "allow_aggressive": "0",
    "allow_cpc": "0",
    "offer_whitelist_data": null,
    "hard_offer_whitelist": "0",
    "disable_bbr": "0",
    "disable_popunder": "1",
    "desktop_redirect": "1",
    "force_offer": "0",
    "postback_threshold": "10.000000000"

Get a Link


Returns the specified link (campaign).


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
hash String Yes

The hash value of the link to retrieve.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
main Object

The Link object.

bounce Object

The Back Button Link object. This attribute may be absent if back button link is not specified.

Link Object

The object that contains the link (campaign) data with following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
hash String

The hash value of the link.

nid Numeric String

The league’s ID of the link.

vertical String

The vertical of the link.

allowed_verticals_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of allowed verticals.

name String

The name of the link.

options_data String | null

The JSON encoded options data object, that may have the following attributes:

  • url - The domain of the link. (Deprecated: Link can be used with any of your domains)
  • rcid - The campaign name, that will appear in your league.
  • kw1 - The keyword1 macros.
  • kw2 - The keyword2 macros.
  • kw3 - The keyword3 macros.
  • kw4 - The keyword4 macros.
  • kw5 - The keyword5 macros.
  • s4 - The click ID/Subid of the external (third party) tracker.
  • offer_geo_arr - The array of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes in upper case that specifies offer geo targeting. (Deprecated)
  • entry_popup - Whether entry popup is enabled or not.
  • exit_popup - Whether exit popup is enabled or not.
  • vibrate - Whether vibrate is enabled or not.
  • sound - Whether sound is enabled or not.
  • redirect_time - The time before redirect in seconds.
bbr_hash String | null

The hash value of the back button link (campaign).

bbr_rcid String | null

The back button campaign name. The value {rcid} means that stats are merged with your parent link.

popunder_hash String | null

The hash value of the popunder link.

popunder_rcid String | null

The popunder campaign name.

is_filtered Numeric String

Whether link is filtered (1) or not (0). By default filtered link are hidden in UI.

created_ts Numeric String

The Unix timestamp of the creation time of the link.

adult Numeric String

Whether adult traffic type is enabled.

allow_adult Numeric String

Whether adult traffic type is allowed. (deprecated)

allow_aggressive Numeric String

Whether to allow and include aggressive landing pages (1) or not (0).

allow_cpc Numeric String

Whether CPC is allowed or not. (deprecated)

offer_whitelist_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of whitelisted offer IDs.

hard_offer_whitelist Numeric String

Whether to use hard offer whitelist without activating of smartlink fallback (1) or not (0).

disable_bbr Numeric String

Whether to disable back button redirect (1) or not (0).

disable_popunder Numeric String

Whether to disable popunder link (1) or not (0).

desktop_redirect Numeric String

Whether desktop redirect is enabled (1) or not (0).

force_offer Numeric String

The ID of the offer to force. (deprecated)

postback_threshold Numeric String

The postback threshold. All leads below this amount wouldn’t be posted back.

Back Button Link

The object that contains some back button link data. It has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
hash String

The hash of the back button link (campaign).

vertical String

The name of the vertical of the back button link (campaign).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Parameter 'hash' is required

The required hash parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request Value of 'hash' parameter is invalid

The value of hash parameter is not valid hash value.

404 Not Found Link does not exist

The link with specified hash value does not exist.

Example Response

  "main": {
    "hash": "cb577cf3216bf5bd75c882c3102135634a1d6e7c",
    "nid": "24566",
    "vertical": "vauto",
    "allowed_verticals_data": "[\"mainstream\",\"mainstream_desktop\"]",
    "name": "Test link 1",
    "options_data": "{\"entry_popup\":0,\"exit_popup\":0,\"vibrate\":0,\"sound\":0,\"redirect_time\":0,\"url\":\"\",\"rcid\":\"my3g\",\"kw1\":\"{t1}\",\"kw2\":\"\",\"kw3\":\"\",\"kw4\":\"\",\"kw5\":\"\",\"s4\":\"{clickid}\",\"offer_geo_arr\":[\"US\"]}",
    "bbr_hash": "e36a3527fa48080595b2de67581f80e7651d7962",
    "bbr_rcid": "{rcid}",
    "popunder_hash": null,
    "popunder_rcid": null,
    "is_filtered": "0",
    "created_ts": "1605554724",
    "adult": "0",
    "allow_adult": "0",
    "allow_aggressive": "0",
    "allow_cpc": "0",
    "offer_whitelist_data": null,
    "hard_offer_whitelist": "0",
    "disable_bbr": "0",
    "disable_popunder": "1",
    "desktop_redirect": "1",
    "force_offer": "0",
    "postback_threshold": "10.000000000"
  "bounce": {
    "hash": "e36a3527fa48080595b2de67581f80e7651d7962",
    "vertical": "direct_offers"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Value of 'hash' parameter is invalid"

Get a Link Promotion Method


Returns the direct URL that you can use to promote your link. (Other promotional methods were deprecated)


Requires Auth


Request Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
hash String yes The hash value of the link you want to promote.
domain String yes The domain that you want to use in your direct link. You have to use one of your domains registered at Monetizer. See how to add a new domain and obtain the list of your domains.
promotion_method String yes The promotion method. Supported values:
  • direct_link - direct link URL

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: text/plain' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


All responses of this action have plain text format.

This response contains the URL of the direct link.

Tip: If you wish to redirect to the offer immediately and skip the delay on our redirect to collect push subscribers, add &np=1 to the end of the direct link URL.


HTTP Status Code message Description
404 Not Found Link does not exist The specified link does not exist.
400 Bad Request Parameter ‘domain’ is required You have to provide domain parameter.
400 Bad Request Valid domain is required The provided domain parameter is not valid domain
404 Not Found Domain not found The specified domain is not registered.
400 Bad Request Invalid promotion method The value of promotion_method parameter is not valid.

Example Response{t1}&cid={clickid}

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid promotion method"

Update Filtered Status


Update the filtered status of the specified link (campaign).

If you do not provide the hash parameter, then request will be treated as Create a link action.
If you do not provide the is_filtered parameter, then request will be treated as Update a link action.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
hash String Yes

The hash value of the link you want to update.

is_filtered Integer Yes

The new value of is_filtered property, that determines whether link is filtered.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data hash=cb577cf3216bf5bd75c882c3102135634a1d6e7c \
  --data is_filtered=1


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
message String

If the operation was successful, then the value of this attribute should be equal to success.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Value of 'hash' parameter is invalid

The value of hash parameter is not a valid link hash.

404 Not Found Link does not exist

The link with the specified hash value does not exist.

Example Response

  "message": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Value of 'hash' parameter is invalid"

Update a Link


Updates a specified link (campaign).

After the link (campaign) will be updated you can use the Get a Link Promotion Method to obtain the direct link URL or javascript code to promote the updated link.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
hash String Yes

The hash value of the link you want to update.

vertical String Yes

The name of the vertical, which defines the type of landing pages and offers your link will be directed to. See how to obtain the list of supported verticals here. We recommend to use special value vauto to take advantage of as many offers as you can and let us do the optimization based on hundreds of millions of visitors of sample size a day.

Important: You can’t change vertical to aggressive or aggressive_desktop because these verticals will be discontinued.

allowed_verticals_data String No

The JSON encoded array of allowed verticals. See how to obtain the list of supported verticals here.

Important: This parameter has sense only if vertical is set to vauto.

Warning: If you do not specify this parameter, its value will be set to null.

adult Integer No

The traffic type. The value 0 means - mainstream and 1 - adult.

Important: This parameter should only be set if vertical is set to vauto.

Warning: If you do not specify this parameter, its value will be set to 0.

allow_aggressive Integer No

Whether to allow and include aggressive landing pages (1) or not (0).

Warning: If you do not specify this parameter, its value will be set to 0.

name String Yes

The name of the link, that allows you easily identify it throughout Monetizer.

disable_popunder Integer Yes

Whether to disable popunder link (1) or not (0). As popunders are deprecated set it to 1.

disable_bbr Integer Yes

Whether to disable back button redirect (1) or not (0).

postback_threshold Float No

The postback threshold. All leads below this amount wouldn’t be posted back.

Warning: If you do not specify this parameter, its value will be set to 0.

options_data String Yes

The JSON encoded options data object, that has the following attributes:

  • rcid - The campaign name, that will appear in your league. The campaign name should only contain letters, numbers and underscores.
  • kw1 - The keyword1 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw2 - The keyword2 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw3 - The keyword3 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw4 - The keyword4 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • kw5 - The keyword5 macros. Set it to value of URL macros from your traffic source to enable reporting. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • s4 - The click ID/Subid. The click ID macro of third party tracker or a managed CPA traffic source, if you have one. Set the value of this attribute to an empty string if you do not have another value.
  • entry_popup - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • exit_popup - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • vibrate - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • sound - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
  • redirect_time - this attribute is deprecated, you may set it to 0 or skip it.
offer_whitelist_data String No

The JSON encoded array of whitelisted offer IDs. Currently only up to 4 target offer IDs of private offers created for you is supported.

Warning: If you do not specify this parameter, its value will be set to null.

desktop_redirect Integer No

Whether desktop redirect is enabled (1) or not (0).

Warning: If you do not specify this parameter, its value will be set to 1.

hard_offer_whitelist Integer No

Whether to use hard offer whitelist without activating of smartlink fallback (1) or not (0). If smartlink fallback is activated, then traffic will be sent to the next best offer when targeted offers become unavailable.

Warning: If you do not specify this parameter, its value will be set to 0.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data hash=cb577cf3216bf5bd75c882c3102135634a1d6e7c \
  --data vertical=vauto \
  --data 'allowed_verticals_data=["mainstream","mainstream_desktop"]' \
  --data allow_aggressive=0 \
  --data adult=0 \
  --data 'name=Test link 1' \
  --data disable_popunder=1 \
  --data disable_bbr=0 \
  --data 'options_data={"entry_popup":0,"exit_popup":0,"vibrate":0,"sound":0,"redirect_time":0,"rcid":"my3g","kw1":"{t1}","kw2":"","kw3":"","kw4":"","kw5":"","s4":"{clickid}"}' \
  --data desktop_redirect=1 \
  --data postback_threshold=10.00 \
  --data hard_offer_whitelist=0


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
message String

If the operation was successful, then the value of this attribute should be equal to success.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Parameter '[parameter name]' is required

The required parameter with name [parameter name] is not provided.

400 Bad Request Value of '[parameter name]' parameter is invalid

The parameter with name [parameter name] has not valid value.

400 Bad Request Aggressive verticals are discontinued

The vertical parameter value can’t be changed to one of the aggressive verticals because these verticals will be disconinued.

400 Bad Request Value of '[parameter name]' is not a valid JSON

The provided value of [parameter name] request parameter is not a valid JSON string.

400 Bad Request JSON value of '[parameter name]' is not an object

The value of [parameter name] request parameter must be JSON encoded object.

400 Bad Request JSON value of '[parameter name]' is not an array

The value of [parameter name] request parameter must be JSON encoded array.

400 Bad Request Invalid boolean value for `[parameter name]` supplied

The value of [parameter name] should be equal to 1 or 0.

400 Bad Request Invalid numeric value for `[parameter name]` supplied

The value of parameter [parameter name] must be numeric.

400 Bad Request Negative value for `[parameter name]` supplied

The value of parameter [parameter name] must be positive.

Example Response

  "message": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Parameter 'name' is required"

Archive Messages


Archives all messages in your correspondence with the specified advertiser.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action archive Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

network_id Integer Yes

The ID of the advertiser.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=archive \
  --data network_id=12541


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be equal to success.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Missing Params

Not all required parameters are set.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

Some problem with connection to database. Try to make another request.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Missing Params"

Block an Advertiser


Blocks the specified advertiser.

The blocked advertiser can't sent messages to you.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action block Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

network_id Integer Yes

The ID of the advertiser.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=block \
  --data network_id=12541


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be equal to success.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Missing Params

Not all required parameters are set.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

Some problem with connection to database. Try to make another request.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid action"

Create a Message


Creates a new message.

Please Note: All messages need to be approved before being delivered.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action send Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

network_id Integer Yes

The ID of the advertiser you want to send the message to.

message String Yes

The text of the message.

Warning: Sending or asking for contact information such as Skype or E-mail address is considered abuse.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=send \
  --data network_id=12542 \
  --data 'message=Hey, can you please send me the ID of the offer?'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Possible values: success, error.

record Object

The created message object. See Message object description below.

This attribute is set only when status="success".

errors Array

An array of error messages.

This attribute is set only when status="error".


Represents the message object.

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the message.

sender_type Integer

Determines the sender type. It should be equal to 2 in this case.

network_id Integer

The ID of the advertiser.

publisher_id Integer

The ID of your account.

is_approved Integer

The status of the message.

  • 0 - rejected
  • 1 - approved
  • 2 - pending for approval
send_ts String

The time when the message was sent. (New York time zone)

body String

The text of the message.

read_ts String

The time when the message was read by you. (New York time zone)

archived Integer

The value 1 or 0 that indicates whether the message has been archived by you. In this case it should be 0.

admin_comment String

The admin comment.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

Some problem with connection to database. Try to make another request.

Example Response

  "status": "success",
  "record": {
    "id": 93,
    "sender_type": 2,
    "publisher_id": 14144,
    "network_id": 12542,
    "is_approved": 2,
    "send_ts": "2020-11-24 10:24:05",
    "body": "Hey, can you please send me the ID of the offer?",
    "read_ts": "2020-11-24 10:24:05",
    "archived": 0,
    "admin_comment": ""

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid action"

Get Correspondence with the Advertiser


Returns a list of all messages from your correspondence with the specified advertiser.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action log Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

network_id Integer Yes

The ID of the advertiser.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the message.

sender_type Integer

Determines the sender type.

The value 1 means that the message was sent by advertiser.

The value 2 means that the message was sent by you.

network_id Integer

The ID of the advertiser.

publisher_id Integer

The ID of your account.

send_ts String

The time when the message was sent. (New York time zone)

body String

The text of the message.

network_read_ts String | null

The time when the message was read by advertiser. (New York time zone)

publisher_read_ts String | null

The time when the message was read by you. (New York time zone)

is_approved Integer

Whether the message has been approved by admin (1) or not (0).

Note: Only messages approved by admin are available to recipient.

rejection_reason String | null

If message has been rejected by admin, then this attribute should contain a reason explaining why it was rejected.

archived_by_network Integer

The value 1 or 0 that indicates whether the message has been archived by advertiser.

archived_by_publisher Integer

The value 1 or 0 that indicates whether the message has been archived by you.

admin_comment String | null

The admin comment related to this message.

blocked Integer

The value 1 or 0 that indicates whether the advertiser is blocked by you.

Note: If advertiser is blocked by you, then he can’t send you new messages and respond to your messages.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

Some problem with connection to database. Try to make another request.

400 Bad Request The 'publisher_id' is not set or invalid

Required network_id parameter is not set or has invalid value.

Example Response

    "id": 16,
    "sender_type": 1,
    "network_id": 12541,
    "publisher_id": 14144,
    "send_ts": "2020-03-19 16:57:18",
    "body": "Test message from advertiser 2 to publisher 1",
    "network_read_ts": "2020-03-19 16:57:18",
    "publisher_read_ts": "2020-03-19 16:59:12",
    "is_approved": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null,
    "archived_by_network": 0,
    "archived_by_publisher": 1,
    "admin_comment": null,
    "blocked": 1
    "id": 17,
    "sender_type": 2,
    "network_id": 12541,
    "publisher_id": 14144,
    "send_ts": "2020-03-22 11:26:29",
    "body": "Test message from publisher 1 to advertiser 2",
    "network_read_ts": "2020-07-03 10:59:11",
    "publisher_read_ts": "2020-03-22 11:26:29",
    "is_approved": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null,
    "archived_by_network": 0,
    "archived_by_publisher": 1,
    "admin_comment": null,
    "blocked": 1

Example Error Response

  "message": "The 'network_id' is not set or invalid"

Get Recent Messages


Returns a list of recent messages in your correspondence with advertisers.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
limit Integer No

The maximum number of messages to receive. Default value is equal to 25.

page Integer No

The page number (zero based). Default value is equal to 0.

archived Integer No

If this parameter is equal to 0, then only not archived messages will be included in the response;

If this parameter is equal to 1, then only archived messages will be included in the response;

If this parameter is not set, then archived status of the message will be ignored and messages with and without archived status will be included in the response;

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Numeric String

The ID of the message.

sender_type Numeric String

Determines the sender type.

The value 1 means that the message was sent by advertiser (The message from some advertiser to you).

The value 2 means that the message was sent by publisher (The message from you to some advertiser).

network_id Numeric String

The ID of the advertiser who is sender or recipient of the message (depends on sender_type).

publisher_id Numeric String

The ID of your publisher account.

send_ts String

The time when the message was sent. (New York time zone)

body String

The text of the message.

read_ts String | Null

The time when the message was read by you. (New York time zone)

archived Numeric String

The value 1 or 0 that determines whether the message has been archived by you.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

Some problem with connection to database. Try to make another request.

Example Response

    "id": "83",
    "sender_type": "2",
    "network_id": "12830",
    "publisher_id": "14144",
    "send_ts": "2020-07-03 16:32:08",
    "body": "Also have for China.",
    "read_ts": "2020-07-03 16:32:08",
    "archived": "0"
    "id": "71",
    "sender_type": "2",
    "network_id": "12541",
    "publisher_id": "14144",
    "send_ts": "2020-07-03 10:46:03",
    "body": "Test message to advertiser 2",
    "read_ts": "2020-07-03 10:46:03",
    "archived": "0"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Mark Messages as Read


Marks all unread messages in your correspondence with the specified advertiser as read.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action read Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

network_id Integer Yes

The ID of the advertiser.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=read \
  --data network_id=12542


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be equal to success.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request The 'network_id' is not set or invalid.

The network_id parameter is not set or invalid.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

Some problem with connection to database. Try to make another request.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "The 'network_id' is not set or invalid."

Archive Notifications


Archives the specified notifications.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action archive Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

notification Array | Integer No

Specifies IDs of notifications to be archived. If you will not provide this parameter, then all unarchived notifications sent to you will be archived.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=archive \
  --data 'notification[]=555771' \
  --data 'notification[]=555754'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Possible values: success, failure.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database error.

400 Bad Request Unknown Action

The action parameter is invalid.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get Notifications


Returns the paginated list of notifications.

Notifications are used to inform the user about different events.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
page Integer No

The zero based page number. Default is 0.

limit Integer No

The number of notifications per page. Default is 25.

sender_type String No

Specifies the sender type filter. Supported values: SYSTEM.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Numeric String

The ID of the notification.

notification_ts String

The time when the notification was created (New York time zone).

sender_type String

The type of the sender of the notification.

sender_id Numeric String

The ID of the sender. Should be 0 for system notifications.

recipient_type String

The type of the recipient of the notification.

recipient_id Numeric String

The ID of the recipient of the notification. (Your ID)

body String

The text of the notification.

is_read Numeric String

The number 1 or 0 that indicates whether the notification was read or not.

is_archived Numeric String

The number 1 or 0 that indicates whether the notification was archived or not.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database error.

Example Response

    "id": "555767",
    "notification_ts": "2020-08-19 19:07:30",
    "sender_type": "SYSTEM",
    "sender_id": "0",
    "recipient_type": "PUBLISHER",
    "recipient_id": "14144",
    "body": "Your payout on offer #d0548f has been increased by 20%",
    "is_read": "1",
    "is_archived": "0"
    "id": "555765",
    "notification_ts": "2020-08-14 12:11:23",
    "sender_type": "SYSTEM",
    "sender_id": "0",
    "recipient_type": "PUBLISHER",
    "recipient_id": "14144",
    "body": "Your payout on offer #b9881c has been increased by 10%",
    "is_read": "1",
    "is_archived": "0"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Mark Notifications as Read


Mark the specified notifications as read.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action read Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

notifications String Yes

The comma separated list of IDs of notifications to be marked as read.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=read \
  --data 'notifications=555771,555754'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Possible values: success, failure.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

The database error.

400 Bad Request Unknown Action

The action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Parameter 'notifications' is not set or invalid

The notifications parameter is not set or has invalid format.

400 Bad Request Missing ID(s)

The notifications parameter does not specify any IDs.

400 Bad Request Bad ID

The notifications parameter contains invalid ID.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Parameter 'notifications' is not set or invalid"

Get Offer Details


Returns some details (like paused status) of specified offers.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
offer_hash Array | String No

An array of hash IDs of the offers, or a single hash ID of the offer about which you want to receive some details.

Note: Hash ID of the offer should include # symbol at the start of ID like #5ade28;

Important: This parameter is required if parameter aff_campaign_id is not set.

aff_campaign_id Array | Integer No

An array of offer IDs, or a single offer ID about which you want to receive detailed information.

Important: This parameter is required if parameter offer_hash is not set.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data 'offer_hash[]=#9011fd' \
  --data 'offer_hash[]=#e469f9'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
aff_campaign_id Integer

The identifier of the offer (campaign).

conversion_flow String

The converstion flow of the offer.

offer_hash String

The hash identifier of the offer (campaign).

paused Integer

The number 1 or 0 that determines whether the offer is paused (1) or not (0).

tags Array

Array of tags objects with single tag attribute that specifies the lander tag.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request aff_campaign_id or offer_hash required

One of the parameters aff_campaign_id or offer_hash must be set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported request method

Wrong request method. This endpoint currently supports only POST request method.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

Database connection error.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "aff_campaign_id": 782876,
    "conversion_flow": "carrierbilling",
    "offer_hash": "#e469f9",
    "paused": 0,
    "tags": [
        "tag": "Pin Flow"
    "aff_campaign_id": 782887,
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "offer_hash": "#9011fd",
    "paused": 0,
    "tags": []

Example Error Response

  "message": "aff_campaign_id or offer_hash required"

Get Offers


Returns the list of offers that has specified geo targeting.

This endpoint returns only those data that needed for link creation.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
vertical String Yes

The name of the vertical.

geo_arr String Yes

Json encoded array of ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes that the offer targeting.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
offer_id String

The offer ID that can be used when creating links.

paused Integer

The number 1 or 0 that determines whether the offer is paused or not.

error String

This attribute is present only if offer belongs to another vertical (not match vertical specified in request parameter).


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Vertical Not Specified

The required parameter vertical is not specified.

400 Bad Request Missing Param

The required parameter geo_array is not specified.

400 Bad Request Bad Param

The parameter geo_array is not valid.

Example Response

    "offer_id": "d992a0",
    "paused": 0,
    "error": "offer is from other vertical (adult)"
    "offer_id": "c9472b",
    "paused": 0,
    "error": "offer is from other vertical (mainstream_desktop)"
    "offer_id": "747f46",
    "paused": 0
    "offer_id": "073590",
    "paused": 0

Example Error Response

  "message": "Vertical Not Specified"

Get Offers Reliability Scores


Returns the scores that can be used to estimate the reliability of specified offers. The higher the score, the lower the reliability. If the score for some offer will not be returned then you should treat it like the score is equal to 0.

The score value returned by this endpoint is used by the UI to compute the Uptime value displayed on Offer Marketplace page.

Uptime is calculated by the formula:

If 100% - 5% * Score > 0%, then Uptime = 100% - 5% * Score, where Score is the reliability score returned by this action;

If 100% - 5% * Score < 0%, then Uptime = 0%;

If reliability score for the specified offer is undefined, then uptime value is equal to 100%.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
assignment_id Array | Integer Yes

Specifies the ID(s) of the offer assignment(s).

The offer assignment ID can be obtained from the assignment_id attribute of Get Top Offers or Get Top Offers for Geo action responses.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
score Numeric String

The reliability score of the offer with specified offer assignment ID.

object_id Numeric String

The offer assignment ID.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
Internal Server Error No DB

Some database connection error.

Example Response

    "score": "11.4001",
    "object_id": "1211597"
    "score": "7.9000",
    "object_id": "1211754"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get Private Offers


Returns a list of private offers that available for you and match specified conditions.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
page Integer No

The zero based page number. Default is 0 (first page).

limit Integer No

The number of offers to return per page. Default and maximum accepted value is 40.

order String No

Determines the order of offers.

Supported values:

  • revenue - order by revenue in descending order (higest revenue first)
  • created - order by creation time in descending order (newest first)
  • payout - order by payout in descending order (highest payout first)

Default is revenue.

hide_paused 1 No

If you set this parameter, then only live (not paused) offers will be returned.

network_id Integer No

The ID of the advertiser.

offer_id String No

The offer ID (6 character hexadecimal code)

start_ts Integer No

Specifies the Unix timestamp of the start of the interval that should be used to aggregate offers stats.

The default and minimum allowed value is equal to the moment 7 weeks ago.

end_ts Integer No

Specifies the Unix timestamp of the end of the interval that should be used to aggregate offers stats.

By default is used value that is equal to the current moment.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
aff_campaign_id Numeric String

The ID of the offer.

public_id_hash String

The public ID hash. (Deprecated)

clicks Numeric String | null

The number of clicks for the specified period.

leads Numeric String | null

The number of leads for the specified period.

revenue Numeric String | null

The revenue in USD for the specified period.

epc Numeric String | null

The EPC for the specified period.

cpa Numeric String | null

The CPA for the specified period.

ctl Numeric String | null

The CTL for the specified period. Can be used to calculate conversion rate (CR = 100%/ctl).

payout String

The offer’s payout in USD.

wifi String

The connection type that the offer targeting. Possible values are only - only wifi, deny - not wifi (cellular), allow - all types.

device String

The device type that the offer targeting. Possible values are mobile, desktop, all.

aff_campaign_partners_bl_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of IDs of blacklisted publishers.

aff_campaign_partners_wl_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of IDs of whitelisted publishers.

aff_campaign_hour_data String | null

The offer’s day parting. This parameter specifies hours when the offer should run. For example the value: 10-18,20 means that offer is running from 10:00 to 18:59 and from 20:00 to 20:59.

aff_campaign_browser_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of browsers that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_os_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of operating systems that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_language_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of ISO 639-1 language codes in lower case that the offer is targeting.

created String

The time when the offer was created. (New York time zone)

conversion_flow String

The converstion flow of the offer.

promotional_comment String

The promotional comment.

in_app String

Specifies what the offer does with WebView traffic. Possible values are allow, deny, only.

preview_image String | null

The URL of the preview image.

aff_campaign_vertical String | null

The vertical of the offer.

aff_campaign_geo String | null

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case that the offer is targeting.

vauto_paused Numeric String

The number 0 or 1 that determines whether the offer is paused or not.

is_capped Numeric String

Whether the offer is capped (1) or not (0)

cap Numeric String

The number of leads per day that campaign accepts. The value of 0 means no cap.

offerIdDep String

The ID of the offer that is displayed in the UI (this ID you may use in offer_id request parameter).

network_id Numeric String

The ID of the advertiser who created the offer.

outstanding_balance Numeric String

The outstanding balance in USD of the advertiser who created the offer.

outage Numeric String

Whether the offer has been stopped converting (1) or not (0). See more about outage here.

today_leads Numeric String

The number of today leads.

lander_required Numeric String

The number 0 or 1 that indicates whether the lander is required or not.

tags Array

Array of tags objects with single tag attribute that specifies the lander tag.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
Internal Server Error No DB

Some database connection error.

Example Response

    "aff_campaign_id": "476621",
    "public_id_hash": "DDBFF65D",
    "clicks": null,
    "leads": null,
    "revenue": null,
    "epc": null,
    "cpa": null,
    "ctl": null,
    "payout": "0.1600000000000000",
    "wifi": "deny",
    "device": "mobile",
    "aff_campaign_partners_bl_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_partners_wl_data": "[\"14144\"]",
    "aff_campaign_hour_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_browser_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_carrier_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_os_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_language_data": null,
    "created": "2020-08-18 17:00:57",
    "conversion_flow": "direct_offers",
    "promotional_comment": "Trash traffic and social media not allowed.",
    "in_app": "allow",
    "preview_image": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/12542_1597770057.5413.png",
    "aff_campaign_vertical": "direct_offers",
    "aff_campaign_geo": "GR",
    "vauto_paused": "0",
    "is_capped": "0",
    "cap": "0",
    "offerIdDep": "45da0a",
    "network_id": "12542",
    "outstanding_balance": "1776.0000",
    "outage": "0",
    "today_leads": "0",
    "lander_required": "1",
    "tags": [
        "tag": "Cash On Delivery"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get Subscribed Offers


Returns the list of offers you are subscribed to, allowing you manually monitor the status of subscribed offers.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
ids String No

The JSON encoded array of 6 letter hash ids of the offers to return. By default endpoint returns the list of all offers that you are subscribed to.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
offerId String

The ID of the offer that is displayed in the UI.

payout String

The offer’s payout in USD.

wifi String

The connection type that the offer targeting. Possible values are only - only wifi, deny - not wifi (cellular), allow - all types.

device String

The device type that the offer targeting. Possible values are mobile, desktop, all.

aff_campaign_partners_bl_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of IDs of blacklisted publishers.

aff_campaign_partners_wl_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of IDs of whitelisted publishers.

aff_campaign_hour_data String | null

The offer’s day parting. This parameter specifies hours when the offer should run. For example the value: 10-18,20 means that offer is running from 10:00 to 18:59 and from 20:00 to 20:59.

aff_campaign_browser_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of browsers that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_os_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of operating systems that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_language_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of ISO 639-1 language codes in lower case that the offer is targeting.

created String

The time when the offer was created. (New York time zone)

conversion_flow String

The converstion flow of the offer.

in_app String

Specifies what the offer does with WebView traffic. Possible values are allow, deny, only.

preview_image String | null

The URL of the preview image.

aff_campaign_vertical String | null

The vertical of the offer.

aff_campaign_geo String | null

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case that the offer is targeting.

paused Numeric String

The number 0 or 1 that determines whether the offer is paused or not.

pause_ts Numeric String | null

The Unix timestamp of time when offer was paused the last time. The null value means that offer was archived some time ago or paused for some long time.

Note: Live offers also may have not zero pause_ts value if they were paused some time ago in the past and then unpaused.

is_capped Integer

Whether the offer is capped (1) or not (0).

Note: This value makes sense only for not archived offers.

cap Integer

The number of leads per day that campaign accepts. The value of 0 means no cap.

outage Numeric String

Whether the offer has been stopped converting (1) or not (0). See more about outage here.

Note: This value makes sense only for not archived offers.

lander_required Integer

The number 0 or 1 that indicates whether the lander is required (1) or not (0).

archived Integer

The number 0 or 1 that indicates whether the campaign is archived (1) or not (0).

Note: Archived offer will never be live again.

network_id Integer

The ID of the advertiser who created the offer.

outstanding_balance Numeric String

The outstanding balance in USD of the advertiser who created the offer.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "offerId": "06117a",
    "payout": "1.68000000000",
    "wifi": "deny",
    "device": "mobile",
    "aff_campaign_partners_bl_data": "[\"4681\",\"4558\",\"5907\",\"3649\",\"2529\",\"1493\",\"5160\",\"6100\",\"792\",\"976\",\"5967\",\"1998\",\"4815\",\"3032\",\"3397\",\"3388-5be1dcez\",\"938-5b46fc5z\",\"3388-982e791z\",\"3388-4c4eebfz\",\"4656-6c631f9z\",\"285-fc03872z\",\"1205-863dc7b8\",\"6399-1c1c31aa\"]",
    "aff_campaign_partners_wl_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_hour_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_browser_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_carrier_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_os_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_language_data": null,
    "created": "2018-12-28 12:33:47",
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "promotional_comment": null,
    "in_app": "allow",
    "preview_image": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/776b8f8b-20b2-45f7-9f1a-c9215518ce64.jpg",
    "aff_campaign_vertical": null,
    "aff_campaign_geo": null,
    "paused": "1",
    "pause_ts": null,
    "is_capped": 0,
    "cap": 0,
    "outage": "0",
    "lander_required": 0,
    "archived": 1,
    "network_id": 3602,
    "outstanding_balance": "1049.2454"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: 1428bf4b"

Get Top Offers


Returns the list of top offers that match specified conditions.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
min_payout Float No

The minimum offer payout in USD. The value should be greater than 0 and less then 3333.

Default is 0.

max_payout Float No

The maximum offer payout in USD. The value should be greater than 0 and less then 3333.

Default is 3333.

min_epc Float No

The minimum EPC in USD. The value should be greater than 0 and less then 50000.

Default is 0.

max_epc Float No

The maximum EPC in USD. The value should be greater than 0 and less then 50000.

Default is 50000.

min_revenue Float No

The minimum offer revenue in USD. The value should be greater than 0 and less then 50000.

Default is 0.

max_revenue Float No

The maximum offer revenue in USD. The value should be greater than 0 and less then 50000.

Default is 50000.

conversion_flow String No

The conversion flow of the offer. If this parameter is set, then only offers with the specified conversion flow will be returned.

Accepted values: carrierbilling, leadgen, revshare, sweepstakes, cpi, dating, cashondelivery, ecommerce, apk, nutra.

vertical String No

The vertical of the offer. If this parameter is set, then only offers with the specified vertical will be returned.

Accepted values: mainstream, adult, aggressive, in_app_mainstream, in_app_adult, mainstream_desktop, adult_desktop, aggressive_desktop.

hide_paused Integer No

If this parameter is set to the value 1, then the paused offers will not be included in the returned results.

new Integer No

If this parameter is set to the value 1, then only offers that were created during the last 24 hours will be included in the returned results.

network_id Integer No

The advertiser’s ID. If this parameter is set, then only offers created by the specified advertiser will be included in the returned results.

offer_id Integer No

The ID of the offer that can be obtained from offerIdDep attribute of the offer object.

start_ts Integer No

Specifies the Unix timestamp of the start of the interval that should be used to aggregate offers stats.

The default and minimum allowed value is equal to the moment 7 weeks ago.

end_ts Integer No

Specifies the Unix timestamp of the end of the interval that should be used to aggregate offers stats.

By default is used value that is equal to the current moment.

limit Integer No

The number of offers to return. The value should be greater than 0 and less than 75.

Default is 75.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of offer objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
aff_campaign_id Numeric String

The ID of the offer.

assignment_id Numeric String

The ID of the offer assignment.

public_id_hash String

The public ID hash. (Deprecated)

clicks Numeric String | null

The number of clicks for the specified period.

leads Numeric String | null

The number of leads for the specified period.

revenue Numeric String | null

The revenue in USD for the specified period.

epc Numeric String | null

The EPC for the specified period.

fb_epc Numeric String | null

The Facebook EPC for the specified period.

cpa Numeric String | null

The CPA for the specified period.

ctl Numeric String | null

The CTL (clicks to lead) for the specified period. Can be used to calculate conversion rate (CR = 100%/ctl).

payout String

The offer’s payout in USD.

wifi String

The connection type that the offer targeting. Possible values are only - only wifi, deny - not wifi (cellular), allow - all types.

device String

The device type that the offer targeting. Possible values are mobile, desktop, all.

aff_campaign_partners_bl_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of IDs of blacklisted publishers.

aff_campaign_partners_wl_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of IDs of whitelisted publishers.

aff_campaign_hour_data String | null

The offer’s day parting. This parameter specifies hours when the offer should run. For example the value: 10-18,20 means that offer is running from 10:00 to 18:59 and from 20:00 to 20:59.

aff_campaign_browser_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of browsers that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_os_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of operating systems that the offer is targeting.

aff_campaign_language_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of ISO 639-1 language codes in lower case that the offer is targeting.

created String

The time when the offer was created. (New York time zone)

conversion_flow String

The converstion flow of the offer.

in_app String

Specifies what the offer does with WebView traffic. Possible values are allow, deny, only.

preview_image String | null

The URL of the preview image.

aff_campaign_vertical String | null

The vertical of the offer.

aff_campaign_geo String | null

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case that the offer is targeting.

vauto_paused Numeric String

The number 0 or 1 that determines whether the offer is paused or not.

pause_reason Numeric String | null

The integer code of that describes the pause reason.

Possible values:

  • 0 - temporarily paused
  • 1 - technical issue / maintenance
  • 2 - bad quality
  • 3 - no performance
  • 4 - offer offline
is_capped Numeric String

Whether the offer is capped (1) or not (0)

cap Numeric String

The number of leads per day that campaign accepts. The value of 0 means no cap.

offerIdDep String

The ID of the offer that is displayed in the UI.

network_id Numeric String

The ID of the advertiser who created the offer.

outage Numeric String

Whether the offer has been stopped converting (1) or not (0). See more about outage here.

today_leads Numeric String

The number of today leads.

bonus Numeric String | null

The number that determines the payout bonus you have for this offer. For example the value 1.1 means that you have a 10% payout bonus, so the actual payout for you will be equal to payout * bonus.

tags Array

Array of tags of the offer.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
Internal Server Error No DB

Some database connection error.

Example Response

    "aff_campaign_id": "470878",
    "assignment_id": "1130250",
    "public_id_hash": "F6E1C86A",
    "clicks": "955015",
    "leads": "13555",
    "revenue": "5422.0000000",
    "epc": "0.00454191818976665",
    "fb_epc": "0.00572100111300000",
    "cpa": "0.32000000000000000",
    "ctl": "70.4548",
    "payout": "0.3200000000000000",
    "wifi": "deny",
    "device": "mobile",
    "aff_campaign_partners_bl_data": "[\"12789\",\"13260\",\"14893\",\"15494\",\"1685\",\"17827\",\"2043\",\"4681\",\"4700\",\"4723\",\"5761\",\"5841\",\"5855\",\"6022\",\"6373\"]",
    "aff_campaign_partners_wl_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_hour_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_browser_data": "[\"Chrome\",\"Chrome Mobile\",\"Samsung Browser\"]",
    "aff_campaign_carrier_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_os_data": "[\"Android\"]",
    "aff_campaign_language_data": "[\"en\"]",
    "created": "2020-05-20 15:10:57",
    "conversion_flow": "leadgen",
    "in_app": "allow",
    "preview_image": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/1588_1590001857.0037.png",
    "aff_campaign_vertical": "mainstream",
    "aff_campaign_geo": "US",
    "vauto_paused": "0",
    "pause_reason": null,
    "is_capped": "0",
    "cap": "0",
    "offerIdDep": "9491c1",
    "network_id": "1588",
    "outage": "0",
    "today_leads": "725",
    "bonus": null,
    "tags": []

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get Top Offers for Geo


Returns the list of top offers targeting the specified geo and matching other specified conditions.

This endpoint API action uses the same request query parameters as Get Top Offers action. Below described only the query parameter that is unique for this action.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
country_code String Yes

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case that the offer is targeting.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of offer objects that are described here.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
Internal Server Error No DB

Some database connection error.

Example Response

    "aff_campaign_id": "527760",
    "assignment_id": "1215937",
    "public_id_hash": "74165248",
    "clicks": "51071",
    "leads": "428",
    "revenue": "1284.0000000",
    "epc": "0.02011317577490161",
    "fb_epc": "0.05721001011300000",
    "cpa": "2.40000000000000000",
    "ctl": "119.3248",
    "payout": "2.4000000000000000",
    "wifi": "deny",
    "device": "mobile",
    "aff_campaign_partners_bl_data": "[\"2082\",\"4700\",\"5761\",\"5841\",\"6642\",\"766\",\"976\"]",
    "aff_campaign_partners_wl_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_hour_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_browser_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_carrier_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_os_data": null,
    "aff_campaign_language_data": "[\"de\"]",
    "created": "2020-11-16 20:23:59",
    "conversion_flow": "leadgen",
    "in_app": "allow",
    "preview_image": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/5147_1605505949.58.jpg",
    "aff_campaign_vertical": "mainstream",
    "aff_campaign_geo": "DE",
    "vauto_paused": "0",
    "is_capped": "0",
    "cap": "0",
    "offerIdDep": "ae2f7f",
    "network_id": "5147",
    "outage": "0",
    "today_leads": "56",
    "pause_reason": null,
    "bonus": null,
    "tags": []

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Reject a Private Offer


Rejects the specified private offer.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
offerId Integer Yes

The offer ID that can be obtained from aff_campaign_id attribute of Get Private Offers action response.

reason String Yes

The reason why you reject this offer.

The list of supported reasons:

  • Payout is too low
  • Cap is too low
  • No interest right now
  • Other: use the messaging system to discuss

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data offerId=476621 \
  --data 'reason=Payout is too low'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be equal to ok.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Bad Request

The required request parameters not provided or request method are invalid.

400 Bad Request Unsupported reason provided

The value of reason parameter is not supported.

404 Not Found No offer found

The offer with specified ID not found.

403 Forbidden Forbidden

You can’t reject offer with specified ID.

Example Response

  "status": "ok"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Unsupported reason provided"

Get Offer Request


Returns the specified offer request.

Offer request is a tool that a publisher can use to request an offer for their traffic.
These requests are displayed on the "Offer Market" pages of the Monetizer and Advertizer sites.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action publisherRequest Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

id Integer Yes

The ID of the offer request.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'


Returns the specified offer request object as first element of the array or empty array if the specified offer request doesn’t exists.

Here the description of attributes of the offer request object:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the request.

name String

The title of the request.

traffic_type String

The traffic type for which the offer is requested.

conversion_flow String

The conversion flow or vertical of the requested offer.

min_payout Numeric String | null

The minimum payout value in USD of the requested offer.

min_cap Numeric String | null

The minimum cap (daily budget) in USD of the requested offer.

geo String

The comma separated list of country codes in ISO 3166 alpha-2 (upper case) format.

It specifies the country targeting of the requested offer.

device String

The device type targetting of the requested offer. Possible values: mobile, desktop, all.

connection_type String

The connection type targeting of the requested offer. Possible values: cellular, wifi, all.

carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers (providers) that requested offer is targeting.

os_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of operating system names that requested offer is targeting.

lp_wanted Integer

The number 1 or 0 that indicates whether landing page wanted or not.

comments String

The comments of the request.

status String

The status of the request. Should be approved.

partner_id Integer

The ID of the publisher who created this request.

created_at String

The time when the request was created. (New York time zone)

updated_at String

The time of the last update of the request. (New York time zone)

archived Integer

Determines whether the request is archived or not. It should be equal to 0.

notify Integer

Determines whether the creator of the request should be notified about creation of new traffic requests that match this offer request.

rejection_reason String | null

The rejection reason of the request. It should be equal to null.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Id not specified

The required id parameter is not set.

Example Response

    "id": 78,
    "name": "Offer wanted: CC Submit - Egypt",
    "traffic_type": "social",
    "conversion_flow": "cc submit",
    "min_payout": "1.00000",
    "min_cap": null,
    "geo": "EG",
    "device": "all",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": null,
    "lp_wanted": 0,
    "comments": "",
    "status": "approved",
    "partner_id": 15626,
    "created_at": "2020-08-08 21:30:36",
    "updated_at": "2020-08-08 21:30:36",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "Id not specified"

Get Offer Requests


Returns the paginated list of all offer requests that match specified filters.

Offer request is a tool that a publisher can use to request an offer for their traffic.
These requests are displayed on the "Offer Market" pages of the Monetizer and Advertizer sites.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action publishersRequests Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

page Integer No

The page number. Default value is equal to 1 (first page).

perPage Integer No

The number of requests per page. The value should be >= 1 or <= 100. Default value is equal to 25.

filter Object No

The object that specifies filter conditions. Only offer requests that match specified conditions are returned. See below for available attributes. String No

Allows you to filter requests by keywords.

filter.conversion_flow String No

Allows you to filter requests by conversion flow.

Supported values:

  • carrier billing - Carrier Billing
  • leadgen - Leadgen
  • revshare - Revshare
  • sweepstakes - Sweepstakes
  • cpi - CPI (Apps)
  • dating - Dating
  • cash on delivery - Cash on Delivery
  • ecommerce - ECommerce
  • apk direct download - APK/Direct Download
  • finance insurance - Finance/Insurance
  • cc submit - CC Submit
  • nutra - Nutra
  • other - Other
filter.payout Float No

Allows you to filter requests by payout. Only offer requests with payouts lesser than or equal to the specified payout value or offer requests without any payout constraints are returned.

filter.cap Float No

Allows you to filter requests by minimum cap (daily budget) value. Only offer requests with minumum cap lesser than or equal to specified cap value (in USD) or offer requests without any cap constraints are returned.

filter.geo String No

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case. Allows you to filter requests by country.

filter.device String No

Allows you to filter requests by device type.

Supported values: mobile, desktop, all.

filter.connection_type String No

Allows you to filter requests by connection type.

Supported values: cellular, wifi, all.

filter.traffic_type String No

Allows you to filter requests by traffic type.

Supported values:

  • search engine - Search Engine
  • ppv - PPV
  • social - Social
  • push - Push Notifications
  • native - Native
  • seo - SEO
  • video - Video
  • pop - Pop
  • ecommerce - Ecommerce
  • incentive - Incentive
  • adult - Adult
  • other - Other

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the request.

name String

The title of the request.

traffic_type String

The traffic type for which the offer is requested.

conversion_flow String

The conversion flow or vertical of the requested offer.

min_payout Numeric String | null

The minimum payout value in USD of the requested offer.

min_cap Numeric String | null

The minimum cap (daily budget) in USD of the requested offer.

geo String

The comma separated list of country codes in ISO 3166 alpha-2 (upper case) format.

It specifies the country targeting of the requested offer.

device String

The device type targetting of the requested offer. Possible values: mobile, desktop, all.

connection_type String

The connection type targeting of the requested offer. Possible values: cellular, wifi, all.

carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers (providers) that requested offer is targeting.

os_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of operating system names that requested offer is targeting.

lp_wanted Integer

The number 1 or 0 that indicates whether landing page wanted or not.

comments String

The comments of the request.

status String

The status of the request. Should be approved.

partner_id Integer

The ID of the publisher who created this request.

created_at String

The time when the request was created. (New York time zone)

updated_at String

The time of the last update of the request. (New York time zone)

archived Integer

Determines whether the request is archived or not. It should be equal to 0.

notify Integer

Determines whether the creator of the request should be notified about creation of new traffic requests that match this offer request.

rejection_reason String | null

The rejection reason of the request. It should be equal to null.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

Example Response

    "id": 56,
    "name": "Offer wanted: CPI (Apps) - Thailand",
    "traffic_type": "incentive",
    "conversion_flow": "cpi",
    "min_payout": "0.35000",
    "min_cap": null,
    "geo": "TH",
    "device": "mobile",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": "[\"Android\"]",
    "lp_wanted": 0,
    "comments": "",
    "status": "approved",
    "partner_id": 3992,
    "created_at": "2020-06-24 00:03:06",
    "updated_at": "2020-06-24 00:03:06",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null
    "id": 18,
    "name": "CPI\/CPR Offers",
    "traffic_type": "ppv",
    "conversion_flow": "cpi",
    "min_payout": "0.50000",
    "min_cap": "100.00000",
    "geo": "BR,TH,ID",
    "device": "mobile",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": "[\"Android\",\"iOS\"]",
    "lp_wanted": 1,
    "comments": "Looking for utilities apps or apps with CPI flow or CPR flow (cost per registration). Best geo is Brazil with 1.2$ payout..",
    "status": "approved",
    "partner_id": 5079,
    "created_at": "2020-05-29 07:19:59",
    "updated_at": "2020-06-03 08:12:26",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "Unsupported action"

Get Traffic Request


Returns the specified traffic request.

Traffic request is a tool that an advertiser can use to request traffic from publishers for their offer.
These requests are displayed on the "Offer Market" pages of the Monetizer and Advertizer sites.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action advertiserRequest Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

id Integer Yes

The ID of the traffic request.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'


Returns the specified traffic request object as first element of the array or empty array if the specified traffic request doesn’t exists.

Here the description of attributes of the traffic request object:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the request.

name String

The title of the request.

traffic_type String | null

The traffic type.

conversion_flow String

The conversion flow or vertical of the offer for which traffic is requested.

payout Numeric String | null

The payout value in USD of the offer for which traffic is requested.

daily_budget Numeric String | null

The daily budget in USD of the offer for which traffic is requested.

geo String

The comma separated list of country codes in ISO 3166 alpha-2 (upper case) format.

It specifies the country targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.

device String

The device type of the requested traffic. (The device type targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.) Possible values: mobile, desktop, all.

connection_type String

The connection type of the requested traffic. (The connection type targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.) Possible values: cellular, wifi, all.

carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers (providers) from which traffic is requested.

os_data String| null

The JSON encoded array of operating system names that specifies the OS targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.

offer_screenshot String

The URL of the screenshot of the offer for which traffic is requested.

comments String

The comments of the request.

network_id Integer

The ID of the advertiser who created this request.

created_at String

The time when the request was created. (New York time zone)

updated_at String

The time of the last update of the request. (New York time zone)

status String

The status of the request. Should be approved.

archived Integer

Determines whether the request is archived or not. It should be equal to 0.

notify Integer

Determines whether the creator of the request should be notified about creation of new offer requests that match this traffic request.

rejection_reason String | null

The rejection reason of the request. It should be equal to null.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Id not specified

The required id parameter is not set.

Example Response

    "id": 38,
    "name": "Traffic wanted: Carrier Billing - Iraq",
    "traffic_type": "pop",
    "conversion_flow": "carrier billing",
    "payout": "1.00000",
    "daily_budget": "500.00000",
    "geo": "IQ",
    "device": "all",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": "[\"IQ KOREK\",\"IQ WiFi\"]",
    "os_data": null,
    "offer_screenshot": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/9263_1591951081.0565.png",
    "comments": "Mainstream Traffic Only\nNo misleading banners or Deceptive Titles.",
    "network_id": 9263,
    "created_at": "2020-06-12 04:38:01",
    "updated_at": "2020-08-12 02:25:29",
    "status": "approved",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "Id not specified"

Get Traffic Requests


Returns the paginated list of all traffic requests that match specified filters.

Traffic request is a tool that an advertiser can use to request traffic from publishers for their offer.
These requests are displayed on the "Offer Market" pages of the Monetizer and Advertizer sites.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action advertisersRequests Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

page Integer No

The page number. Default value is equal to 1 (first page).

perPage Integer No

The number of requests per page. The value should be >= 1 or <= 100. Default value is equal to 25.

filter Object No

The object that specifies filter conditions. Only traffic requests that match specified conditions are returned. See below for available attributes. String No

Allows you to filter requests by keywords.

filter.conversion_flow String No

Allows you to filter requests by conversion flow.

Supported values:

  • carrier billing - Carrier Billing
  • leadgen - Leadgen
  • revshare - Revshare
  • sweepstakes - Sweepstakes
  • cpi - CPI (Apps)
  • dating - Dating
  • cash on delivery - Cash on Delivery
  • ecommerce - ECommerce
  • apk direct download - APK/Direct Download
  • finance insurance - Finance/Insurance
  • cc submit - CC Submit
  • nutra - Nutra
  • other - Other
filter.payout Float No

Allows you to filter requests by payout. Only traffic requests with payouts greater than or equal to the specified payout value or traffic requests without any payout constraints are returned.

filter.cap Float No

Allows you to filter requests by daily budget (cap). Only traffic requests with daily budget greater than or equal to the specified cap value (in USD) or traffic requests without any daily budget constraints are returned.

filter.geo String No

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case. Allows you to filter requests by country.

filter.device String No

Allows you to filter requests by device type.

Supported values: mobile, desktop, all.

filter.connection_type String No

Allows you to filter requests by connection type.

Supported values: cellular, wifi, all.

filter.traffic_type String No

Allows you to filter requests by traffic type.

Supported values:

  • search engine - Search Engine
  • ppv - PPV
  • social - Social
  • push - Push Notifications
  • native - Native
  • seo - SEO
  • video - Video
  • pop - Pop
  • ecommerce - Ecommerce
  • incentive - Incentive
  • adult - Adult
  • other - Other

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the request.

name String

The title of the request.

traffic_type String | null

The traffic type.

conversion_flow String

The conversion flow or vertical of the offer for which traffic is requested.

payout Numeric String | null

The payout value in USD of the offer for which traffic is requested.

daily_budget Numeric String | null

The daily budget in USD of the offer for which traffic is requested.

geo String

The comma separated list of country codes in ISO 3166 alpha-2 (upper case) format.

It specifies the country targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.

device String

The device type of the requested traffic. (The device type targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.) Possible values: mobile, desktop, all.

connection_type String

The connection type of the requested traffic. (The connection type targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.) Possible values: cellular, wifi, all.

carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers (providers) from which traffic is requested.

os_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of operating system names that specifies the OS targeting of the offer for which traffic is requested.

offer_screenshot String

The URL of the screenshot of the offer for which traffic is requested.

comments String

The comments of the request.

network_id Integer

The ID of the advertiser who created this request.

created_at String

The time when the request was created. (New York time zone)

updated_at String

The time of the last update of the request. (New York time zone)

status String

The status of the request. Should be approved.

archived Integer

Determines whether the request is archived or not. It should be equal to 0.

notify Integer

Determines whether the creator of the request should be notified about creation of new offer requests that match this traffic request.

rejection_reason String | null

The rejection reason of the request. It should be equal to null.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

Example Response

    "id": 110,
    "name": "Traffic wanted: Sweepstakes - United States...",
    "traffic_type": "search engine",
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "payout": "30.00000",
    "daily_budget": null,
    "geo": "US,CA,DE,IT,FR",
    "device": "all",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": null,
    "offer_screenshot": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/1934_1603203691.4211.png",
    "comments": "CC sweeps (iPhone, Samsung, iPad, etc) with proven custom branded aggressive prelanders (Amazon, Bestbuy, Target, etc) for US \/ CA \/ DE \/ IT \/ FR. \nAll types of traffic allowed. Payouts ranging 20-40$ depending on geo.",
    "network_id": 1934,
    "created_at": "2020-10-20 10:21:31",
    "updated_at": "2020-10-20 10:21:31",
    "status": "approved",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null
    "id": 32,
    "name": "NCC $1000 Walmart gift card ",
    "traffic_type": "native",
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "payout": "2.45000",
    "daily_budget": "200.00000",
    "geo": "US",
    "device": "mobile",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": null,
    "offer_screenshot": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/5097_1591350239.9335.png",
    "comments": "",
    "network_id": 5097,
    "created_at": "2020-06-05 05:44:00",
    "updated_at": "2020-06-05 05:44:00",
    "status": "approved",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null
    "id": 24,
    "name": "Looking for quality NON-PPV traffic for in-house US sweepstake offers!",
    "traffic_type": null,
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "payout": "3.00000",
    "daily_budget": null,
    "geo": "US",
    "device": "all",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": null,
    "offer_screenshot": "https:\/\/\/offer_preview\/14498_1591168194.0606.jpg",
    "comments": "We have our own high-converting and high-paying in-house US sweepstake offers and are looking for trusted publishers that can generate quality leads for us. These offers are stable and we're seeking to build long-term partnerships. Social media, native, email, display and other traffic sources allowed. No PPV. ",
    "network_id": 14498,
    "created_at": "2020-06-03 03:09:54",
    "updated_at": "2020-06-03 08:12:10",
    "status": "approved",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "Missing \"action\" parameter"

Get Unread Traffic Requests Count


Returns the number of unread traffic requests for the calling publisher.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
total Integer

The total number of unread traffic requests.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

An unexpected error has occurred.

Example Response

  "total": 1

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: 83ab27ca"

Mark All Traffic Requests as Read


Marks all current traffic requests as read.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be equal to success.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

An unexpected error has occurred.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: 340d8e09"

Create an Offer Subscription


Creates new offer subscription, that allows the calling publisher to subscribe to updates of the specified offer.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
offerId String Yes

The offer ID.

subscribed Integer Yes

Determines whether created offer subscription should be active (1) or not (0). Important: You should set this parameter to 1 if you want to automatically and immediately subscribe to updates of the specified offer.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data offerId=b009d2 \
  --data subscribed=1


Returns object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the offer subscription.

partnerId Integer

The ID of the publisher (your ID).

subscribed Boolean

Determines whether subscription is active (publisher subscribed) or not (publisher unsubscribed).

offerId String

The offer ID.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request offerId is required

The offerId parameter is required.

400 Bad Request No Campaign found for offerId ...

No offers were found with an offer ID that matches the specified offerId request body parameter.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "id": 24894,
  "partnerId": 14144,
  "subscribed": true,
  "offerId": "b009d2"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No Campaign found for offerId '1aaa21'"

Delete an Offer Subscription


Deletes the specified offer subscription.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
id Integer Yes

The offer subscription ID.

Example Request

curl --request DELETE \
  --url '' \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns the object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. (It should be equal to success)


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request id is required

The required id parameter was not provided.

400 Bad Request No PartnerOfferEventSubscription found with id: ...

The offer subscription with specified ID was not found.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "status": "success"

Example Error Response

  "message": "id is required"

Get Offer Subscriptions


Returns the list of all offer subscriptions for the calling publisher.

Offer subscription is a subscription to updates (events) of an offer. A publisher subscribed to offer updates (events) will receive email notifications for every event triggered for an offer, such as offer pause, offer resume etc.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns array of offer subscription objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the offer subscription.

partnerId Integer

The ID of the publisher (your ID).

subscribed Boolean

Determines whether subscription is active (publisher subscribed) or not (publisher unsubscribed).

offerId String

The offer ID.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "id": 24893,
    "partnerId": 14144,
    "subscribed": true,
    "offerId": "b9881c"
    "id": 24894,
    "partnerId": 14144,
    "subscribed": true,
    "offerId": "b009d2"
    "id": 24898,
    "partnerId": 14144,
    "subscribed": false,
    "offerId": "df775e"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: ff65229f"

Update an Offer Subscription


Subscribes to and unsubscribes from offer updates (events) by updating status of already existing offer event subscription.

In other words this action resumes/pauses the specified offer subscription.

If you do not have an existing subscription to some offer, you can subscribe to updates of that offer by creating a new offer subscription as described here.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
id Integer Yes

The offer subscription ID.

subscribed Integer Yes

Set this attribute to the value 1 if you want to resume the subscription and to the value 0 if you want to pause the subscription.

Example Request

curl --request PUT \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data id=24898 \
  --data subscribed=1


Returns updated subscription object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the offer subscription.

partnerId Integer

The ID of the publisher (your ID).

subscribed Boolean

Determines whether subscription is active (publisher subscribed) or not (publisher unsubscribed).

offerId String

The offer ID.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Params are not provided

The required id and/or subscribed parameters were not provided.

400 Bad Request No PartnerOfferEventSubscription found with id ...

The offer subscription with specified ID was not found.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "id": 24898,
  "partnerId": 14144,
  "subscribed": true,
  "offerId": "df775e"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Params are not provided"

Get The List Of OSes


Returns the list of supported operating systems names.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
os_name String

The Operating System identifier.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

No database connection.

Example Response

    "os_name": "Android"
    "os_name": "iOS"
    "os_name": "Windows-Desktop"

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Create an Offer Request


Creates a new offer request for your traffic.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action create Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

traffic_type String Yes

The type of the traffic.

Supported values:

  • search engine - Search Engine
  • ppv - PPV
  • social - Social
  • push - Push Notifications
  • native - Native
  • video - Video
  • pop - Pop
  • seo - SEO
  • ecommerce - Ecommerce
  • incentive - Incentive
  • adult - Adult
  • other - Other
conversion_flow String Yes

The conversion flow or vertical of the requested offer.

Supported values:

  • carrier billing - Carrier Billing
  • leadgen - Leadgen
  • revshare - Revshare
  • sweepstakes - Sweepstakes
  • cpi - CPI (Apps)
  • dating - Dating
  • cash on delivery - Cash on Delivery
  • ecommerce - ECommerce
  • apk direct download - APK/Direct Download
  • finance insurance - Finance/Insurance
  • cc submit - CC Submit
  • nutra - Nutra
  • other - Other
min_payout Float No

The minimum payout value in USD of the requested offer.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints)

min_cap Float No

The minimum daily budget in USD of the requested offer.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints)

lp_wanted Integer No

Whether landing page wanted. Accepted values: 0, 1.

Default is 0.

geo String | Array Yes

Specifies the country targeting of the requested offer. You should use ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes (upper case) to specify countries.

You may use string with comma separated country codes or an array of country codes.

Important: The maximum allowed number of countries is 10.

device String Yes

The device type targeting of the requested offer.

Allowed values: mobile, desktop, all.

connection_type String Yes

The connection type targeting of the requested offer.

Allowed values: cellular, wifi, all.

carrier_data Array No

The array of carriers (providers) that requested offer is targeting.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints).

os_data Array No

The array of operating system names that specifies the OS targeting of the requested offer.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints).

See how to obtain list of supported operating systems here.

comments String No

The comments of the request.

Write here any additional info (it will be searchable on the main page). But please don’t share contact information.

Note: Changing this field after approval will require re-approval.

notify Integer No

The number 0 or 1 that indicates whether you should be notified about creation of new traffic requests that match this offer request.

Default is 1.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=create \
  --data traffic_type=social \
  --data conversion_flow=sweepstakes \
  --data min_payout=1.5 \
  --data min_cap=300 \
  --data lp_wanted=1 \
  --data geo=DE \
  --data device=mobile \
  --data connection_type=cellular \
  --data 'os_data[]=Android' \
  --data 'os_data[]=iOS' \
  --data 'comments=Test comment' \
  --data notify=1


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be ok on success.

data Object

The created offer request object. See the description of an offer request object here.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Traffic type is not specified.

The required traffic_type parameter is not set or is invalid.

400 Bad Request Flow/Vertical is not specified or invalid.

The required conversion_flow parameter is not set or is invalid.

400 Bad Request Incorrect "Min payout" value. It must be a number greater than zero or empty value.

The min_payout value is invalid. You should provide positive float number or not provide value at all.

400 Bad Request Incorrect "Min daily budget" value. It must be a number greater than zero or empty value.

The min_cap value is invalid. You should provide positive float number or not provide value at all.

400 Bad Request Country is not specified.

The required geo parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request No more than 10 countries allowed.

The maximum number of countries that may be specified for offer request is 10.

400 Bad Request Invalid country

The value of geo parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Device is not specified or incorrect.

The device parameter is not set or has invalid value.

400 Bad Request Connection type is not specified or incorrect.

The connection_type parameter is not set or has invalid value

Example Response

  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "partner_id": 14144,
    "traffic_type": "social",
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "min_payout": 1.5,
    "min_cap": 300,
    "lp_wanted": 1,
    "geo": "DE",
    "device": "mobile",
    "connection_type": "cellular",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": "[\"Android\",\"iOS\"]",
    "comments": "Test comment",
    "notify": 1,
    "name": "Offer wanted: Sweepstakes - Germany",
    "keywords": "Germany mobile cellular Android iOS",
    "id": "32",
    "status": "pending",
    "created_at": "2020-11-11 08:35:22",
    "archived": 0

Example Error Response

  "message": "No more than 10 countries allowed."

Delete an Offer Request


Deletes specified offer requests.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action delete Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

ids Array Yes

The array of offer requests IDs.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=delete \
  --data 'ids[]=35' \
  --data 'ids[]=34'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be ok on success.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Ids are not specified

The ids parameter is not set or is invalid.

Example Response

  "status": "ok",

Example Error Response

  "message": "Ids are not specified"

Get Own Offer Requests


Returns an array of your own offer requests.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action getRequests Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

page Integer No

The page number. Default value is equal to 1 (first page).

perPage Integer No

The number of requests per page. The value should be >= 1 or <= 100. Default value is equal to 25.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id Integer

The ID of the request.

name String

The title of the request.

traffic_type String

The traffic type.

conversion_flow String

The conversion flow or vertical of the requested offer.

min_payout Numeric String | null

The minimum payout value in USD of the requested offer.

min_cap Numeric String | null

The minimum daily budget in USD of the requested offer.

geo String

The comma separated list of country codes in ISO 3166 alpha-2 (upper case) format.

It specifies the country targeting of the requested offer.

device String

The device type targeting of the requested offer.

Possible values: mobile, desktop, all.

connection_type String

The connection type targeting of the requested offer.

Possible values: cellular, wifi, all.

carrier_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of carriers (providers) targeting of the requested offer.

os_data String | null

The JSON encoded array of operating system names that specifies the OS targeting of the requested offer.

lp_wanted Integer

Whether landing page wanted (1) or not (0).

comments String

The comments of the request.

partner_id Integer

The ID of your account.

created_at String

The time when the request was created. (New York time zone)

updated_at String

The time of the last update of the request. (New York time zone)

status String

The status of the request.

Possible values: approved, rejected, pending (pending for approval)

archived Integer

Determines whether the request is archived (deleted) or not. It should be equal to 0.

notify Integer

Determines whether you should be notified about creation of new traffic requests that match this offer request.

rejection_reason String | null

The rejection reason of the request. (It is set only if request has rejected status)


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

Example Response

    "id": 33,
    "name": "Offer wanted: CPI (Apps) - Finland",
    "traffic_type": "ecommerce",
    "conversion_flow": "cpi",
    "min_payout": "1.00000",
    "min_cap": "100.00000",
    "geo": "FI",
    "device": "mobile",
    "connection_type": "all",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": null,
    "lp_wanted": 0,
    "comments": "",
    "status": "pending",
    "partner_id": 14144,
    "created_at": "2020-11-11 15:29:17",
    "updated_at": "2020-11-11 15:29:17",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null
    "id": 32,
    "name": "Offer wanted: Sweepstakes - Germany",
    "traffic_type": "social",
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "min_payout": "1.50000",
    "min_cap": "300.00000",
    "geo": "DE",
    "device": "mobile",
    "connection_type": "cellular",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": "[\"Android\",\"iOS\"]",
    "lp_wanted": 1,
    "comments": "Test comment",
    "status": "pending",
    "partner_id": 14144,
    "created_at": "2020-11-11 13:35:22",
    "updated_at": "2020-11-11 13:35:22",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "Missing \"action\" parameter"

Update an Offer Request


Updates the specified offer request.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
action update Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

id Integer Yes

The ID of the offer request.

traffic_type String Yes

The type of the traffic.

Supported values:

  • search engine - Search Engine
  • ppv - PPV
  • social - Social
  • push - Push Notifications
  • native - Native
  • video - Video
  • pop - Pop
  • seo - SEO
  • ecommerce - Ecommerce
  • incentive - Incentive
  • adult - Adult
  • other - Other
conversion_flow String Yes

The conversion flow or vertical of the requested offer.

Supported values:

  • carrier billing - Carrier Billing
  • leadgen - Leadgen
  • revshare - Revshare
  • sweepstakes - Sweepstakes
  • cpi - CPI (Apps)
  • dating - Dating
  • cash on delivery - Cash on Delivery
  • ecommerce - ECommerce
  • apk direct download - APK/Direct Download
  • finance insurance - Finance/Insurance
  • cc submit - CC Submit
  • nutra - Nutra
  • other - Other
min_payout Float No

The minimum payout value in USD of the requested offer.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints)

min_cap Float No

The minimum daily budget in USD of the requested offer.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints)

lp_wanted Integer No

Whether landing page wanted. Accepted values: 0, 1.

Default is 0.

geo String | Array Yes

Specifies the country targeting of the requested offer. You should use ISO 3166 alpha-2 country codes (upper case) to specify countries.

You may use string with comma separated country codes or an array of country codes.

Important: The maximum allowed number of countries is 10.

device String Yes

The device type targeting of the requested offer.

Allowed values: mobile, desktop, all.

connection_type String Yes

The connection type targeting of the requested offer.

Allowed values: cellular, wifi, all.

carrier_data Array No

The array of carriers (providers) that requested offer is targeting.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints).

os_data Array No

The array of operating system names that specifies the OS targeting of the requested offer.

Default is null (not specified / no constraints).

See how to obtain list of supported operating systems here.

comments String No

The comments of the request.

Write here any additional info (it will be searchable on the main page). But please don’t share contact information.

Note: Changing this field after approval will require re-approval.

notify Integer No

The number 0 or 1 that indicates whether you should be notified about creation of new traffic requests that match this offer request.

Default is 1.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data action=update \
  --data id=32 \
  --data traffic_type=social \
  --data conversion_flow=sweepstakes \
  --data min_payout=1.5 \
  --data min_cap=300 \
  --data lp_wanted=1 \
  --data 'geo=DE,CA' \
  --data device=mobile \
  --data connection_type=cellular \
  --data 'os_data[]=Android' \
  --data 'os_data[]=iOS' \
  --data 'comments=Test comment' \
  --data notify=1


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
status String

The status of the operation. Should be ok on success.

data Object

The updated offer request object. See the description of offer request object here.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Missing "action" parameter

The required action parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request Unsupported action

The value of action parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Id is not specified.

The id parameter is not set.

403 Forbidden Forbidden

You provided not valid access token or tried to update not your offer request.

400 Bad Request Editing of rejected requests is not allowed

Offer requests with rejected status can not be edited.

400 Bad Request Traffic type is not specified.

The required traffic_type parameter is not set or is invalid.

400 Bad Request Flow/Vertical is not specified or invalid.

The required conversion_flow parameter is not set or is invalid.

400 Bad Request Incorrect "Min payout" value. It must be a number greater than zero or empty value.

The min_payout value is invalid. You should provide positive float number or not provide value at all.

400 Bad Request Incorrect "Min daily budget" value. It must be a number greater than zero or empty value.

The min_cap value is invalid. You should provide positive float number or not provide value at all.

400 Bad Request Country is not specified.

The required geo parameter is not set.

400 Bad Request No more than 10 countries allowed.

The maximum number of countries that may be specified for offer request is 10.

400 Bad Request Invalid country

The value of geo parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Device is not specified or incorrect.

The device parameter is not set or has invalid value.

400 Bad Request Connection type is not specified or incorrect.

The connection_type parameter is not set or has invalid value

Example Response

  "status": "ok",
  "data": {
    "id": 32,
    "name": "Offer wanted: Sweepstakes - Germany...",
    "traffic_type": "social",
    "conversion_flow": "sweepstakes",
    "min_payout": 1.5,
    "min_cap": 300,
    "geo": "DE,CA",
    "device": "mobile",
    "connection_type": "cellular",
    "carrier_data": null,
    "os_data": "[\"Android\",\"iOS\"]",
    "lp_wanted": 1,
    "status": "pending",
    "partner_id": 14144,
    "created_at": "2020-11-11 13:35:22",
    "updated_at": "2020-11-11 17:25:39",
    "archived": 0,
    "notify": 1,
    "rejection_reason": null,
    "comments": "Test comment",
    "old_comments": null,
    "edited": 0,
    "keywords": "Germany Canada mobile cellular Android iOS"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Id is not specified."

Get Keywords by PID


Returns Keyword 1 (kw1) and/or Keyword 2 (kw2) values from your tracker that match the specified PID generated by our system for your traffic during last 30 days.

To setup reporting by traffic source keywords you should provide corresponding options_data parameters in Create Link action.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
pid String Yes

The PID generated by our system for your traffic.

You can also use % as a searchterm wildcard. E.g. if publisher with id 1000 wants to obtain keyword values for all PIDs generated for his traffic during the last 30 days, he can use 1000-% value.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
pid String

The PID generated by our system.

sid String

The Keyword 1 (kw1) value.

If the value of pid attribute ends with z, then this attribute contains the value of the referrer domain instead of Keyword 1 (kw1) (it is used when kw1 is empty).

activity String

The last time when click with specified PID was recorded.

kw2 String | null

The Keyword 2 (kw1) value.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request pid required

The value of pid query parameter is required.

Example Response

    "pid": "14144-61fde00z",
    "sid": "",
    "activity": "2020-12-08 19:40:44",
    "kw2": null

Example Error Response

  "message": "pid required"

Collect Subscribers


There are two options to collect push subscriptions with Monetizer.

Create Monetizer link using the “Create a Link” action and setting the tag parameter to the value push. After the link will be created, we’ll route your traffic to optimized landing pages designed to collect push subscribers and then route them to the vertical you choose during setup to earn extra revenue after they subscribe.

Option 2: Your Website or Landing Page

Collect push opt-ins with your own website or landing page. Follow the steps below to create the code required to start making passive income from the traffic you already have.

Note: SSL (https) is required on both your Monetizer domain and your website/landing page.

Step 1: Choose a host domain

Choose one of your domains created in Monetizer. See how to obtain the list of your domains here and how to add a new domain to Monetizer here.

The domain chosen doesn’t need to be the domain you want to collect subscribers on. We just require it to include javascript hosted by us.

Step 2: Upload service worker script to your website.

Create a javascript file with name sw.js and content:


The __CHOSEN_DOMAIN__ you have to replace with the domain you have chosen in Step 1.

Upload sw.js file to the root directory of your website.

Step 3: Include the setup script in the HEAD of your website.

Generate a push collection setup code snippet using the “Get a Collect Subscribers Setup Code” action.

Insert the setup code returned by “Get a Collect Subscribers Setup Code” action into the HEAD of your website.

After the above code has been added to the <head> of your site and uploaded to your server, refresh your landing page and make sure the notification appears in the top left. If you see it appear, your now collecting push opt ins which we’ll continually Monetize for you.


Get Active Subscriptions Stats


Returns a breakdown by country (or tag) and date of active subscriptions statistics for the specified date range for the calling publisher.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
groupBy String Yes

Specifies the type of breakdown.

Supported values:

  • geo - group data by country code and date
  • tag - group data by tag and date (tags supported from ‘2020-09-23’)
from String Yes

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

The date interval between from and to dates should not exceed 31 days.

to String Yes

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case. (This attribute is present only if groupBy parameter is equal to geo)

tag String

The tag value. (This attribute is present only if groupBy parameter is equal to tag)

date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

subscriptions Numeric String

The number of your active push notification subscriptions.

revenue Numeric String

The revenue in USD.

ltv Numeric String

The average revenue per 1 subscription.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Valid 'from' parameter is required

The parameter from is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'to' parameter is required

The parameter to is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request The date range exceeds 31 days

The date time interval between from and to dates exceeds 31 days.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No Database Connection.

Example Response

    "geo": "AE",
    "date": "2020-11-20",
    "subscriptions": "40",
    "revenue": "0.3011680000000",
    "ltv": "0.00752920000000000"
    "geo": "AE",
    "date": "2020-11-21",
    "subscriptions": "39",
    "revenue": "0.3238160000000",
    "ltv": "0.00830297435897436"
    "geo": "AE",
    "date": "2020-11-22",
    "subscriptions": "39",
    "revenue": "0.3011680000000",
    "ltv": "0.00772225641025641"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Valid 'from' parameter is required"

Get Combined Push Stats


Returns different push stats breakdowns for the specified date range.

This endpoint may be used to substitute several others more specialized endpoints.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
from String Yes

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD. This date is included in the range.

Note: The date range should not exceed 31 days.

to String Yes

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD. The date is included in the range.

Note: The date range should not exceed 31 days.

groupBy String No

Specifies how to group data for the response.

Supported values:

  • geo - group data by geo and date (returns a breakdown by country and date);
  • tag - group data by tag and date (returns a breakdown by tag and date);
  • tagGeo - group data by tag and geo (returns a breakdown by tag and country);
  • date - group data by date (returns a breakdown by date);

Note: If you want to obtain the push stats breakdown by date for specific combination of tag and geo then instead of groupBy parameter provide tag and geo parameters.

Important: If groupBy parameter is not specified then tag and geo parameters should be provided.

tag String No

Specifies the tag for which you want to get push stats breakdown by date.

Note: This parameter is ignored if groupBy parameter is set.

Important: This parameter may be used only in combination with geo parameter.

geo String No

Specifies the ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case of the country for which you want to get push stats breakdown by date.

Note: This parameter is ignored if groupBy parameter is set.

Important: This parameter may be used only in combination with tag parameter.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
tag String

The tag value. (Present only if groupBy parameter is not set or equal to tag or tagGeo)

geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case. (Present only if groupBy parameter is not set or equal to geo or tagGeo)

date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. (Present only if groupBy parameter is not set or equal to geo or tag or date)

impressions Integer

The number of impressions.

pushes Integer

The number of pushes.

clicks Integer

The number of clicks.

revenue Number

The revenue in USD.

active_subscriptions Integer

The number of active push notification subscriptions.

subscriptions Integer

The number of new push notification subscriptions.

ltv_count Integer

The number of unsubscribed push notification subscriptions.

ltv_revenue Number

The revenue in USD obtained from unsibscribed push notification subscriptions.

ltv Number

The average lifetime value (LTV) in USD calculated for unsubscribed push notification subscriptions.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Valid 'from' parameter is required

The from query parameter is not set or has invalid format.

400 Bad Request Valid 'to' parameter is required

The to query parameter is not set or has invalid format.

400 Bad Request The date range exceeds 31 days

The date range specified by the from and to query parameters exceeds 31 days.

400 Bad Request groupBy is invalid

The groupBy query parameter has unsupported value.

400 Bad Request tag and geo params required

If the groupBy query parameter is not set then the tag and geo query parameters have to be provided.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

An unexpected error has occurred.

Example Response

    "tag": "eng",
    "geo": "AD",
    "impressions": 401,
    "pushes": 773,
    "clicks": 1,
    "revenue": 0.011000000000000,
    "active_subscriptions": 30,
    "subscriptions": 0,
    "ltv_count": 0,
    "ltv_revenue": 0.000000000,
    "ltv": 0.0000000000000
    "tag": "eng",
    "geo": "AE",
    "impressions": 63152,
    "pushes": 122075,
    "clicks": 40,
    "revenue": 0.492800000000000,
    "active_subscriptions": 5381,
    "subscriptions": 2,
    "ltv_count": 0,
    "ltv_revenue": 0.000000000,
    "ltv": 0.00000000000000

Example Error Response

  "message": "groupBy is invalid"

Get Current Active Subscriptions Count


Returns the current number of active subscriptions for the calling publisher.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
summary true Yes

Specifies to return the number of active subscriptions.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
subscriptions Integer

The number of your active push notification subscriptions.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error No DB

No Database Connection.

Example Response

  "subscriptions": 17267

Example Error Response

  "message": "No DB"

Get a Breakdown by Country (or Tag) and Date of Average LTV


Returns a breakdown by country and date (or by tag and date) of average lifetime value (LTV) of your push notification subscriptions for specified date range.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
groupBy String Yes

Specifies how to group data for the response.

Supported values:

  • geo - group data by geo and date (returns a breakdown by country and date);
  • tag - group data by tag and date (returns a breakdown by tag and date);
from String Yes

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

The date interval between from and to dates should not exceed 31 days.

to String Yes

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case. (This attribute is present only if groupBy parameter is equal to geo)

tag String

The tag value. (This attribute is present only if groupBy parameter is equal to tag)

date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

count Numeric String

The number of unsubscribed push notification subscriptions.

revenue Numeric String

The revenue in USD.

ltv Numeric String

The average lifetime value (LTV) in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request invalid action

Only GET requests are supported.

400 Bad Request groupBy required

The required groupBy parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request groupBy invalid

The groupBy parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'from' parameter is required

The parameter from is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'to' parameter is required

The parameter to is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request The date range exceeds 31 days

The date time interval between from and to dates exceeds 31 days.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "geo": "AL",
    "date": "2020-11-20",
    "count": "2",
    "revenue": "0.037821570",
    "ltv": "0.0189107850000"
    "geo": "AL",
    "date": "2020-11-21",
    "count": "1",
    "revenue": "0.000000000",
    "ltv": "0.0000000000000"
    "geo": "AL",
    "date": "2020-11-25",
    "count": "1",
    "revenue": "0.000000000",
    "ltv": "0.0000000000000"

Example Error Response

  "message": "groupBy required"

Get a Breakdown by Country (or Tag) and Date of Push Stats


Returns the number of pushes, clicks and revenue for the calling publisher.

You can obtain a breakdown by country and date or by tag and date for specified date range.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
groupBy String No

If this parameter is set to the value of tag, then the breakdown by tag and date will be returned, else the breakdown by country and date will be returned.

startDate String Yes

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

endDate String Yes

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case. (Present only if groupBy parameter is not set to tag)

tag String

The tag value. (Present only if groupBy parameter is set to tag)

date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

pushes Numeric String

The number of pushes.

clicks Numeric String

The number of clicks.

revenue Numeric String

The revenue in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid action

Only GET requests are supported.

400 Bad Request Valid 'startDate' parameter is required

The parameter startDate is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'endDate' parameter is required

The parameter endDate is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request The date range exceeds 31 days

The date time interval between startDate and endDate exceeds 31 days.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "geo": "AE",
    "date": "2020-11-20",
    "pushes": "984",
    "clicks": "0",
    "revenue": "0.000000000000000"
    "geo": "AE",
    "date": "2020-11-21",
    "pushes": "983",
    "clicks": "1",
    "revenue": "0.001600000000000"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Valid 'startDate' parameter is required"

Get a Breakdown by Country of Average CPC


Returns a breakdown by country of average CPC for push campaigns.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

cpc Numeric String

The average cost per click (CPC) in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request invalid action

Only GET requests are supported.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "geo": "00",
    "cpc": "0.001749955"
    "geo": "AD",
    "cpc": "0.001280000"
    "geo": "AE",
    "cpc": "0.021915089"
    "geo": "AF",
    "cpc": "0.006394110"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: 21aabf81"

Get a Breakdown by Country of Average LTV


Returns a breakdown by country of average lifetime value (LTV) for active push notification subscriptions.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

ltv Numeric String

The average lifetime value (LTV) in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request invalid action

Only GET requests are supported.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "geo": "00",
    "ltv": "0.00832000000000"
    "geo": "AD",
    "ltv": "0.00056738461538"
    "geo": "AE",
    "ltv": "0.00275712797761"
    "geo": "AF",
    "ltv": "0.00017038582097"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: a321ff84"

Get a Breakdown by Country of Current Active Subscriptions Counts


Returns a breakdown by country of the number of current active push notification subscriptions for the calling publisher.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
a subsByGeo Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

total Numeric String

The number of your current push notification subscriptions.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "geo": "AE",
    "total": "49",
    "geo": "AF",
    "total": "6",
    "geo": "AG",
    "total": "1",

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: a83b847c"

Get a Breakdown by Date of Active Subscriptions Counts


Returns a breakdown by date of the number of active subscriptions for the specified date range for the calling publisher.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
from String Yes

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

to String Yes

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

subscriptions Numeric String

The number of your active push notification subscriptions for the specified date.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Valid 'from' parameter is required

The parameter from is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'to' parameter is required

The parameter to is not provided or is not valid.

500 Internal Server Error No DB

No Database Connection.

Example Response

    "date": "2020-11-20",
    "subscriptions": "18052"
    "date": "2020-11-21",
    "subscriptions": "18025"
    "date": "2020-11-22",
    "subscriptions": "18014"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Valid 'from' parameter is required"

Get a Breakdown by Date of Push Stats


Returns the number of pushes and clicks for the calling publisher.

You can obtain the total number of clicks as well as breakdown by date for specified date range.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
a String Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Supported values:

  • summary - returns the total number of clicks for all time and the number of clicks for today;
  • dateRange - returns a breakdown by date of the number of pushes and clicks
    for the specified date range;
from String No

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Important: This parameter is required when a parameter is equal to dateRange.

to String No

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Important: This parameter is required when a parameter is equal to dateRange.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


The response format depends on the a query parameter value.

If query parameter a is equal to summary then the summary response is returned.

If query parameter a is equal to dateRange then the date breakdown response is returned.

Summary Response

The response object has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
total Integer

The total number of clicks on push notifications for all time.

today Integer

The number of clicks on the push notifications for today.

Date Breakdown Response

The response contains an array of objects with following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

pushes Numeric String

The number of pushes.

clicks Numeric String

The number of clicks.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid action

The a parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'from' parameter is required

The parameter from is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'to' parameter is required

The parameter to is not provided or is not valid.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "date": "2020-11-20",
    "pushes": "451143",
    "clicks": "240"
    "date": "2020-11-21",
    "pushes": "450987",
    "clicks": "218"
    "date": "2020-11-22",
    "pushes": "450666",
    "clicks": "213"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid Action"

Get a Breakdown of Subscriptions Counts


Returns the number of push notification subscriptions for the calling publisher.

You can obtain the total number of subscriptions as well as the geo, tag and date breakdowns for specified date range.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
a String Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Supported values:

  • summary - returns the total number of subscriptions for all time and the number of subscriptions for today;
  • dateRange - returns a breakdown by date of the number of subscriptions for the specified date range;
  • geoDateRange - returns a breakdown by country and date of the number of subscriptions for the specified date range;
  • tagDateRange - returns a breakdown by tag and date of the number of subscriptions for the specified date range;
from String No

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

If a parameter is equal to geoDateRange or tagDateRange, then the date interval between from and to dates should not exceed 31 days.

Important: This parameter is required when a parameter is equal to dateRange, geoDateRange and tagDateRange.

to String No

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Important: This parameter is required when a parameter is equal to dateRange, geoDateRange and tagDateRange.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


The response format depends on the a query parameter value.

If query parameter a is equal to summary then the summary response is returned.

If query parameter a is equal to dateRange then the date breakdown of subscription count is returned.

If query parameter a is equal to geoDateRange then the geo and date breakdown of subscriptions count is returned.

If query parameter a is equal to tagDateRange then the tag and date breakdown of subscriptions count is returned.

Summary Response

The response object has the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
today Integer

The number of your subscriptions for today.

total Integer

The total number of your subscriptions for all time.

Date Breakdown Response

The response contains an array of objects with following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

subscriptions Numeric String

The number of your push notification subscriptions for the specified date.

Geo and Date Breakdown Response

The response contains an array of objects with following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

subscriptions Numeric String

The number of your push notification subscriptions.

prevSubs Numeric String

The total number of your push notification subscriptions created before the date specified by from query parameter for the country specified by geo attribute.

Tag and Date Breakdown Response

The response contains an array of objects with following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
tag String

The tag value.

date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

subscriptions Numeric String

The number of your push notification subscriptions.

totalSubs Numeric String

The total number of your push notification subscriptions on the date as of the date specified in the date attribute.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid action

The a parameter is invalid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'from' parameter is required

The parameter from is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'to' parameter is required

The parameter to is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request The date range exceeds 31 days

The date time interval between from and to dates exceeds 31 days.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "geo": "AL",
    "date": "2020-11-20",
    "subscriptions": "2",
    "prevSubs": "4789"
    "geo": "AL",
    "date": "2020-11-21",
    "subscriptions": "1",
    "prevSubs": "4789"
    "geo": "AL",
    "date": "2020-11-23",
    "subscriptions": "1",
    "prevSubs": "4789"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Valid 'from' parameter is required"

Get a Collect Subscribers Setup Code


Returns a setup code to collect push subscribers.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
domain String Yes

The domain name that has been added to your account. See how to get domains.

Important: This domain name should be equal to the domain chosen in the Step 1 of “Collect Subscribers “.

allowURL String No

The redirect URL on allow.

denyURL String No

The redirect URL on deny.

trackingTag String No

The tracking tag for reporting. It should contain letters, numbers and _, - characters only.

enablePrompt Integer No

Whether to enable interaction prompt (1) or not (0).

Default is 0.

promptText String No

Custom prompt message.

This parameter is ignored when enablePrompt parameter is not set to 1.

promptAcceptBtnText String No

Custom ‘Accept Button’ text.

This parameter is ignored when enablePrompt parameter is not set to 1.

promptDenyBtnText String No

Custom ‘Deny Button’ text.

This parameter is ignored when enablePrompt parameter is not set to 1.

hideDenyBtn Integer No

Whether to hide the ‘Deny’ button (1) or not (0). Default is 0.

This parameter is ignored when enablePrompt parameter is not set to 1.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data \
  --data trackingTag=t1


Response contains the code snippet as plain text:


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Unsupported action

Only the POST requests are supported by this endpoint.

400 Bad Request Valid domain is required

The value of the domain parameter is required and must be valid domain.

400 Bad Request allowURL is invalid

The value of allowURL parameter is not valid URL.

400 Bad Request denyURL is invalid

The value of denyURL parameter is not valid URL.

400 Bad Request trackingTag is invalid

The value of trackingTag parameter should contain letters, numbers and _, - characters only..

Example Response

<script>var pm_tag = 't1';var pm_pid = "14144-392ff4cd";</script><script src="//" async></script>

Example Error Response

  "message": "Valid domain is required"

Get Today Revenue


Returns your today revenue from push notifications.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
push_revenue Numeric String

Your revenue from push notifications in USD for today.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "push_revenue": "5.3890"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: ac6bf47c"

Get a Breakdown by Country of Revenue


Returns a breakdown by country of revenue from push notifications for the calling publisher.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
a earningsByGeo Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
geo String

The ISO3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

revenue Numeric String

Your revenue in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "geo": "",
    "revenue": "549.982218745600000",
    "geo": "00",
    "revenue": "0.139765200000000",
    "geo": "AD",
    "revenue": "0.000040000000000",
    "geo": "AE",
    "revenue": "18.831983760000000",

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: 886b04aa"

Get a Breakdown by Date of Revenue


Returns a breakdown by date of revenue from push notifications for specified date range for the calling publisher.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
a dateRange Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

from String Yes

The start date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

to String Yes

The end date of the date range in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
date String

The date in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

revenue Numeric String

Your revenue from push notifications in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Valid 'from' parameter is required

The parameter from is not provided or is not valid.

400 Bad Request Valid 'to' parameter is required

The parameter to is not provided or is not valid.

500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "date": "2020-11-20",
    "revenue": "1.916221244000000"
    "date": "2020-11-21",
    "revenue": "1.011837960000000"
    "date": "2020-11-22",
    "revenue": "1.352768682400000"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Valid 'to' parameter is required"

Get a Revenue Leaderboard


Returns the list of 25 publishers with the most push notification revenue.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
a leaderboard Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
partner_id Integer

The ID of the publisher.

nick_img String

The URL of the avatar image.

revenue Numeric String

The revenue in USD.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

    "partner_id": 18936,
    "nick_img": "http:\/\/\/202-img\/new_band\/3e8d0dcbffa61a1b345ab1252765f5ca71ea2ec6.png",
    "revenue": "34786.384411793600000",
    "partner_id": 9989,
    "nick_img": "https:\/\/\/202-img\/default_avatars\/steam-avatar-profile-picture-0150.jpg",
    "revenue": "30275.791753964000000",

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: 886b04aa"

Get a Revenue Summary


Returns a summary of your revenue from push notifications for today, month, and for all time.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
a summary Yes

Specifies the action to perform.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
today Numeric String

Your revenue from push notifications in USD for today.

month Numeric String

Your revenue from push notifications in USD for the current month.

total Numeric String

The revenue from push notifications in USD for all time.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
500 Internal Server Error Server error. Error ID: ...

Unexpected error occurred during handling of request.

Example Response

  "today": "5.3890",
  "month": "75.9002",
  "total": "5226.6205"

Example Error Response

  "message": "Server error. Error ID: ac6bf47c"

Get Trends Report


Returns a trends report, that contains 20 records with the highest revenue changes.

The report contains average performance data broken by specified dimensions for the first specified period and performance difference between the first period and the second. These data allows you to estimate trends.

The maximum allowed size of a time interval that you may specify in query parameters is equal to 21 * 86400.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
report String Yes

The report type, that specifies how data will be broken by different dimensions.

Supported values:

  • geo_vertical - group data by country and vertical during aggregation
  • geo_vertical_os - group data by country, vertical and operating system during aggregation
  • geo_vertical_carrier - group data by country, vertical and carrier during aggregation
  • geo_vertical_offer - group data by country, vertical and offer ID during aggregation
a_start_ts Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the start of the first time interval being compared.

a_end_ts Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the end of the first time interval being compared.

b_start_ts Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the start of the second time interval being compared.

b_end_ts Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the end of the second time interval being compared.

dir String No

Determines whether to return uptrend data (revenue increases) or downtrend data (revenue decreases).

Supported values:

  • asc - return downtrend report
  • desc - return uptrend report

Default is desc.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
country_code String

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

vertical String

The name of the vertical.

os String

The name of the operating system (only present if report=geo_vertical_os).

carrier String

The name of the carrier (only present if report=geo_vertical_carrier).

offer String

The ID of the offer (only present if report=geo_vertical_offer).

clicks Integer

The average number of clicks per day for the first time interval that specified by a_start_ts and a_end_ts request parameters.

leads Integer

The average number of leads per day for the first time interval that specified by a_start_ts and a_end_ts request parameters.

revenue Float

The average revenue in USD per day for the first time interval that specified by a_start_ts and a_end_ts request parameters.

epc Float

The average EPC for the first time interval that specified by a_start_ts and a_end_ts request parameters.

clicks_delta Integer

The difference between the number of clicks in the first time interval and the number of clicks in the second time interval.

leads_delta Integer

The difference between the number of leads in the first time interval and the number of leads in the second time interval.

revenue_delta Float

The difference between the revenue amount in USD in the first time interval and the revenue amount in USD in the second time interval.

epc_delta Float

The difference between the EPC in the first time interval and the EPC in the second time interval.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request '[parameter name]' parameter is required

The required [parameter name] parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request '[parameter name]' parameter is invalid

The [parameter name] parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Invalid range A

The size of the first interval is less than 0 or greater than 21 * 86400.

400 Bad Request Invalid range B

The size of the second interval is less than 0 or greater than 21 * 86400.

Example Response

    "country_code": "BR",
    "vertical": "mainstream",
    "os": "Android",
    "clicks": 1506082,
    "leads": 42114,
    "revenue": 3129.07,
    "epc": 0.002078,
    "clicks_delta": 538285,
    "leads_delta": 26895,
    "revenue_delta": 2020.63,
    "epc_delta": 0.000932
    "country_code": "IN",
    "vertical": "mainstream",
    "os": "Android",
    "clicks": 1767414,
    "leads": 35863,
    "revenue": 2179.2,
    "epc": 0.001233,
    "clicks_delta": 679545,
    "leads_delta": 16193,
    "revenue_delta": 932.71,
    "epc_delta": 8.7e-5

Example Error Response

  "message": "'report' parameter is required"

Get a Carriers Report


Returns a report on the performance of carriers for the specified verticals, operating systems, and time interval.

The report data can be used to gain platform insights and generate suggestions for new campaigns.

This report requires you to specify both the vertical and operating system. If you want to obtain a performance report for a specific vertical see the Get a Report action.


Requires Auth


Request Body Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
vertical Array Yes

The array of verticals for which to return report.

See how to get the list of supported verticals here.

os Array Yes

The array of operating system names for which to return report.

See how to get the list of supported operating systems here.

start Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the start of the date range that should be used to aggregate report data. The minimum allowed value is 31 days ago.

end Integer Yes

The Unix timestamp of the end of the date range that should be used to aggregate report data.

Example Request

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>' \
  --data 'vertical[]=mainstream' \
  --data 'vertical[]=mainstream_desktop' \
  --data 'os[]=iOS' \
  --data start=1605626876 \
  --data end=1607441242


If any of the required parameters are not provided, then instead of error an empty array is returned.

Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
carrier String

The name of the carrier.

clicks Integer

The number of clicks that have passed Monetizer cloaker and blacklist checks.

offer_clicks Integer

The number of offer clicks.

leads Integer

The number of leads (conversions).

revenue Float

The revenue in USD.

ecpm Float

The eCPM value.

offer_ecpm Float

The offer eCPM value.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request Invalid start parameter

The value of start parameter is lesser than minimum allowed value.

Example Response

    "carrier": "00 WiFi",
    "clicks": 12,
    "offer_clicks": 11,
    "leads": 0,
    "revenue": 0,
    "ecpm": 0,
    "offer_ecpm": 0
    "carrier": "AD MOBILAND",
    "clicks": 56,
    "offer_clicks": 53,
    "leads": 0,
    "revenue": 0,
    "ecpm": 0,
    "offer_ecpm": 0
    "carrier": "AD WiFi",
    "clicks": 3140,
    "offer_clicks": 2776,
    "leads": 3,
    "revenue": 0.81,
    "ecpm": 0.26,
    "offer_ecpm": 0.29
    "carrier": "AE DU",
    "clicks": 42900,
    "offer_clicks": 40588,
    "leads": 222,
    "revenue": 387.22,
    "ecpm": 9.03,
    "offer_ecpm": 9.54

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid start parameter"

Get a Report


Returns the specified report.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
fast 1 No

Set this parameter to 1 to obtain fast report (highly recommended).

rid Integer No

The rotator ID for which to return report. If this parameter is provided, then nid, vertical and geo parameters are ignored.

The rotator ID can be obtained from Get a Rotator action.

nid Integer No

The ID of your league for which to return report. If this parameter is provided, then vertical and geo parameters are ignored.

See how to obtain the list of your leagues here.

Note: If you specify this parameter and not specify the rcid parameter, then report on all campaigns from specified league will be returned (keyword parameter is not supported in this case).

rcid String No

This parameter can be used only with nid parameter. It specifies your campaign name for which report should be returned. (The campaign name is equal to the value of options_data.rcid of the Link object).

vertical String No

The name of the vertical for which to return report. If this parameter is provided, then geo parameter is ignored. In cases when you want to obtain report for specified vertical and country combination you should use the rid parameter to specify the matched rotator.

The list of supported verticals can be obtained from Get Verticals action.

geo String No

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case for which to return report.

tz String No

The timezone identifier supported by PHP. See the list of supported timezones here. It is used together with start_day or date_range parameters.

Default is America/New_York.

start_day String No

Specifies the start day of the date range that should be used to aggregate report data. The value must use the format Y-m-d (e.g. 2020-11-20) and cannot specify a date earlier than 31 days ago. The end of the date range always equal to the current time.

Important: If this parameter is provided, then date_range, start_ts and end_ts parameters are ignored.

date_range String No

Specifies the date range that should be used to aggregate report data.

Supported values:

  • today - today
  • yesterday - yesterday
  • three - last 3 days
  • seven - last 7 days
  • fourteen - last 14 days
  • thirty - last 30 days

Default is today.

Important: If this parameter is provided, then start_ts and end_ts parameters are ignored.

start_ts Integer No

The Unix timestamp of the start of the date range that should be used to aggregate report data. The minimum allowed value is 31 days ago.

Important: This parameter is ignored if end_ts parameter is not provided.

end_ts Integer No

The Unix timestamp of the end of the date range that should be used to aggregate report data.

Important: This parameter is ignored if start_ts parameter is not provided.

keyword String No

Specifies the attribute(s) that you want to use to group data by.

The supported keyword value depends on the report type that is determined by one of the parameters: rid (rotator report), nid (league report), nid and rcid (campaign report), vertical (vertical report) or geo (country report).

Here the list of supported values:

  • actual_vertical - group data by vertical (only for rotator and campaign reports)
  • browser - group data by browser (all report types, except league report)
  • carrier - group data by carrier (all report types, except league report)
  • carrier_offer - group data by carrier and offer ID (only for rotator, campaign and vertical reports)
  • cat - group data by Keyword 2 (only for campaign report)
  • city - group data by city (all report types, except league report)
  • cloak_reason - group data by cloak reason (cloak breakdown) (only for campaign report)
  • connection - group data by connection type (all report types, except league report)
  • device - group data by device (all report types, except league report)
  • device_type - group data by device type (all report types, except league report)
  • filtered - filtered clicks (only for campaign report)
  • fl - group by click stage (only for campaign report)
  • geo - group data by country (only for rotator, campaign and vertical reports)
  • geo_device_type - group data by country and device type (only for campaign and vertical reports)
  • geo_language - group data by country and language (only for campaign and vertical reports)
  • geo_offer - group data by country and offer ID (only for campaign and vertical reports)
  • geo_os - group data by country and operating system (only for campaign and vertical reports)
  • geo_vertical - group data by country and vertical (only for campaign report)
  • hour - group data by day parting (all report types, except league report)
  • kw4 - group data by Keyword 4 (only for campaign report)
  • kw5 - group data by Keyword 5 (only for campaign report)
  • language - group data by language (all report types, except league report)
  • link - group data by link (only for campaign report)
  • network_id - group data by advertiser’s ID (only for campaign report)
  • offer - group data by offer ID (all report types, except league report)
  • os - group data by operating system (all report types, except league report)
  • os_ver - group data by operating system version (all report types, except league report)
  • proxy_type - group data by proxy type (only for campaign report)
  • referer - group data by referer (only for campaign report)
  • screen_res - group data by screen resolution (all report types, except league report)
  • sid - group data by Keyword 1 (only for campaign report)
  • ts - group data by Keyword 3 (only for campaign report)
  • vertical_link - group data by vertical and link (only for campaign report)
  • vertical_offer - group data by vertical and offer ID (only for campaign report)
order String No

Specifies the attribute that you want to use for ordering data.

Supported values:

  • keyword - order by attributes specified by keyword request parameter
  • clicks - order by clicks
  • leads - order by leads
  • revenue - order by revenue
  • cr - order by conversion rate
  • epc - order by EPC
  • offer_epc - order by offer EPC

Default is keyword.

direction String No

The sort direction. Supported values: asc, desc.

Default is desc.

limit Integer No

The maximum number of records (rows) to include into the report.

Default is 4294967295.

export 1 No

If this parameter is set then report will be returned in CSV format.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
keyword String

The value of this attribute determined by keyword request parameter.

clicks Numeric String

The number of clicks that have passed monetizer cloaker and blacklist checks.

filtered_clicks Numeric String

The number of filtered clicks.

offer_clicks Numeric String

The number of offer clicks.

bot_clicks Numeric String

The number of bot clicks.

leads Numeric String

The number of leads.

revenue Numeric String

The revenue in USD.

ctr Numeric String

The click-through rate value (ctr = 100% * offer_clicks/clicks).

ltc Numeric String

The CTL value that is equal to the ratio of clicks to leads.

cr Numeric String

The conversion rate in percents.

epc Numeric String

The earnings per click. (epc = revenue/clicks)

offer_epc Numeric String

The offer earnings per click. (offer_epc = revenue/offer_clicks)


HTTP Status Code Message Description
403 Forbidden Permission denied

You do not have permission to receive the report with the requested parameters.

400 Bad Request Invalid geo

The value of the geo request parameter is not a valid country code.

400 Bad Request Invalid time zone

The value of the tz request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Invalid start_day

The value of the start_day request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Invalid start_ts

The value of the start_ts request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Invalid end_ts

The value of the end_ts request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Invalid keyword: ...

The value of the keyword request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Unsupported order: ...

The value of the order request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Unsupported direction: ...

The value of the direction request parameter is not valid.

400 Bad Request Unsupported report: ...

The report that match provided parameters is not supported.

400 Bad Request SQL ERROR

The sql query cannot be executed due to invalid parameter values or some other conditions.

Example Response

    "keyword": "tablet",
    "clicks": "8254",
    "filtered_clicks": "100",
    "offer_clicks": "7033",
    "bot_clicks": "100",
    "leads": "177",
    "revenue": 22.872,
    "ctr": "85.2072",
    "ltc": "46.6328",
    "cr": "2.1444",
    "epc": 0.0027712,
    "offer_epc": 0.0032519999999999997
    "keyword": "phone",
    "clicks": "517427",
    "filtered_clicks": "678",
    "offer_clicks": "440354",
    "bot_clicks": "677",
    "leads": "10281",
    "revenue": 2124.6,
    "ctr": "85.1046",
    "ltc": "50.3285",
    "cr": "1.9869",
    "epc": 0.0041064,
    "offer_epc": 0.004824800000000001
    "keyword": "pc",
    "clicks": "3654",
    "filtered_clicks": "267",
    "offer_clicks": "2846",
    "bot_clicks": "266",
    "leads": "28",
    "revenue": 0.5920000000000001,
    "ctr": "77.8872",
    "ltc": "130.5000",
    "cr": "0.7663",
    "epc": 0.00016240000000000002,
    "offer_epc": 0.000208

Example Error Response

  "message": "Invalid geo"

Get a Rotators Report


Returns a report on the offer rotators performance.

Each rotator represents some country and vertical combination, so you can use rotator performance data to determine the highest-grossing and best-performing countries and verticals on the platform.

You can further receive more detailed performance reports for the specific rotator to determine the best-performing offers, devices, operating systems, etc by using “Get a Report” action.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
type Integer Yes

The type of the rotator. Currently, only the value 1 is supported.

timescale Integer | String No

Specifies the time interval that is used to calculate performance.

Supported values:

  • 24 - last 24 hours
  • 48 - last 48 hours
  • 72 - last 3 days
  • 168 - last 7 days
  • 336 - last 14 days
  • applied - uses value from time_split property of the rotator.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
vertical Numeric String

The name of the vertical of the rotator.

avg_pay Float

The average payout of offers of this rotator.

clicks Numeric String

The number of clicks in the specified time period.

leads Float

The number of leads in the specified time period.

epc Float

The EPC (earnings per clicks in USD) in the specified time period.

primary_vertical Numeric String

Whether rotator belongs to the primary vertical.

id Numeric String

The ID of the rotator. You may use it to obtain different performance reports for this rotator using “Get a Report” action.

name String

The name of the rotator.

time_split String

The maximum age in hours of the data to be used to determine the performance of an offer during rotation. (Legacy/Deprecated)

web Numeric String

Whether the rotator serves the not mobile traffic. (Legacy/Deprecated)

android Numeric String

Whether the rotator serves the Android traffic (Legacy/Deprecated)

ios Numeric String

Whether the rotator serves the IOS traffic. (Legacy/Deprecated)

windows Numeric String

Whether the rotator serves the Windows traffic. (Legacy/Deprecated)

geo String | null

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case, that specifies the country targeting of the rotator. If geo is null, then it is the international rotator that targets any country.

sticky Numeric String

This attribute used only in UI. If it is equal to the 1, then it is so called smart links rotator.

exclusive Numeric String

This attribute used only in the UI. You may completely ignore it.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request invalid 'type' parameter

The value of type query parameter is invalid.

Example Response

    "vertical": "adult",
    "avg_pay": 0,
    "clicks": "62",
    "leads": "0",
    "revenue": 0,
    "epc": 0,
    "primary_vertical": "1",
    "id": "54706",
    "name": "AD",
    "time_split": "72",
    "web": "0",
    "android": "1",
    "ios": "1",
    "windows": "1",
    "blackberry": "1",
    "symbian": "1",
    "geo": "AD",
    "sticky": "0",
    "exclusive": "0"

Example Error Response

  "message": "invalid 'type' parameter"

Get a Rotator ID


Returns the ID of the offer rotator for the specified vertical and country.


Requires Auth


Query Parameters

Name Type/Value Required? Description
vertical String Yes

The name of the vertical. You can obtain the list of supported verticals here.

geo String Yes

The ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code in upper case.

Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an object with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
rid Integer

The ID of the offer rotator. A value of 0 means that the rotator was not found.


HTTP Status Code Message Description
400 Bad Request vertical parameter is required

The required vertical query parameter is not provided.

400 Bad Request geo parameter is required

The required geo query parameter is not provided.

Example Response

  "rid": 52491

Example Error Response

  "message": "\"vertical\" parameter is required"

Get Verticals


Returns the list of supported verticals.


Requires Auth


Example Request

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x_afflow_api_token: <Your access token>'


Returns an array of objects with the following attributes:

Attribute Type Description
str String

The name of the vertical.

premium Numeric String

The number 0 or 1 that determines whether vertical requires premium access or not.

Only accounts with allow_premium property set to 1 have access to premium verticals.

Example Response

    "str": "adult",
    "premium": "0"
    "str": "adult_desktop",
    "premium": "0"
    "str": "aggressive",
    "premium": "0"
    "str": "aggressive_desktop",
    "premium": "0"